What’s on week beginning 2nd March 2020



Lynn not of nursery this morning

Ann, educational psychologist is in the nursery this morning

Mindful Monday, take a moment to breath before you come in to the nursery and give yourself permission to just sit a moment .



Nicola and Pamela Forest School Family Engagement 8.50 am until 11.30 am. Wrap up well and bring a little healthy snack. Remember wellie socks for those cold toes.


Oral hygienist will be visiting the children today.

Kirsty will be rejoining the team this afternoon.

Join Jen with your little one in the Parent Room at 1.15 pm, for an afternoon of fun learning


Lynn is out at the Calderhead Cluster Transition meeting

World Book Day – Stories can be read any where at any time. Fancy Dress character optional.

Staff training on Assessment and Moderation at Dykehead Primary School, could we please ask that all children are collected by 3.45 pm. Many thanks 

Nurturing Nature Forest School Family Engagement with Elaine and Nicola, 1.15 pm until 3.15 pm due to staff training.


Isabel out of nursery today

Dykehead Primary School Forest School Transition session for some of the afternoon children. Leaving the nursery at 9.15 am.

Family Engagement – Story Massage 8.40pm and 1.10 pm with Christine


Nurturing Nature Family Forest School Sessions

The Nurturing Nature Family Forest School Sessions commenced this week with 100% attendance from all families that participated. There were opportunities for pond dipping and fishing and it was lovely to observe some lovely interactions between parent/carer and child with some very interesting pond life creatures being caught, especially surprising as the pond was initially frozen over with ice and snow.  We had the opportunity to explore the forest and found a secret entrance into the woods where a secret cafe was discovered that offered hot drinks and biscuits to heat us up before working together to gather various different sizes of sticks to build a fire.  On return to nursery it was lovely to hear such nice feedback from both adults and children of the enjoyment they had within these sessions. Next week on offer will be storytelling , Gruffalo hunting and pizza making , looking forward to it .
Nicola, Pamela and Elaine x