Mind full or Mindful?

Thank you to all the parents, carers and staff who gave up their time to attend last nights Mind full or Mindful? event hosted by Edward Reid.

It was great to listen to Edward and how mindfulness can help us in so many ways.  Each morning on Instagram Edward posts a little mindful moment which you can follow @mredwardreid.

A total of £  47  was raised on the night for Chris’s House.  With Donation buckets being available throughout next week to add to this total.

Almost all staff have now completed the five day foundation Mindfulness Programme with DobeMindful and are ready to implement this approach into  daily practice with children. 

We hope that you enjoyed the contents of the Mindful Bag which was gifted on the  evening which was lovingly put together with you in mind.

Remember, next week there is something on every day for you to participate in.  We do hope as many parents/carers join Louise from DobeMindful to find out first hand how you too can access the DobeMindful online course bespoke for parents and carers.

Please click on the link to access your copy of eventsor check in the November newsletter.

Mind full or mindful

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