We are learning ……

Children within the early level playroom are exploring the characters and setting within traditional fairy tales such as The Three Little  and  The Gingerbread Man , they have had opportunities to explore events from within the story through the use of puppets, costumes and the use of the smart board which have brought these stories alive.

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Children have demonstrated  a keen interest in cooking and baking and have been supported in creating their own shopping list, developing control of their fine movements whilst using a variety of mark making resources. Some children have participated in outings to the shops to buy the ingredients  and have become bakers in the kitchen with delicious Banana Bread and smoothie ice lollies being made. The use of measuring scales, spoons and measuring jugs have enabled the children to begin to develop their awareness of measure, counting and quantities.

All children continue to be encouraged to be kind, caring and helpful to each  other with practitioners providing  role modelling , positive noticing comments and opportunities to work together, turn take and share within all areas of the nursery , indoors and outdoors through fun and active play. The introduction of babies and the water tray , or bath, have supported this learning with children demonstrating these skills as they care, feed and dress their babies.  Outside there have been regular opportunities for all children to practice their skill on the balance bikes , ensuring they carry out the safety checks ,wearing a helmet and have been enjoying participating in active and energetic play.





Nurturing Relationships

The children in the Rainbow Room have been learning how to include others in their play, whilst nurturing relationships. Some of the children have shown an interest in Role Play, in particular with shopping and caring for the babies, an outing to the local Coop was particular successful where the children were learning how to exchange money for goods..Whilst others have been using the water and sand to develop their curiosity and early mathematical skills.

It has been lovely to have new children spending time in the Rainbow Room with their peers.

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What’s on week beginning 3rd September 2018

Monday 3rd September  2018

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Nurturing Nature at the Forest with Nicola and Kirsty 1.10 pm leaving from the main reception area.

Wednesday 5th September 2018

Wishaw and Shotts Area Admissions Panel Meeting for children aged two to three years.

Rainbow Room family Bookbug sessions with Amanda and Susan 9 am.

Gemma Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today.

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today.

Thursday 6th September 2018

Nurturing Nature at the Forest with Pamela and Nicola this morning 8.50 am – 11.40 am.

Solihull Understanding your Child Welcome Coffee session with Isabel and Jen 1. 45 pm – 2.30 pm.

Rainbow Room Family Bookbug with Amanda and Susan at 1.30 pm.

Friday 7th September 2018

Lynn will be on AL today.

Today is the first session for the families in the early level playroom to attend T and Toast with Bookbug. If you are unsure of the date for your session please speak to Kirsty or your child’s key worker. Children should come with their special person, mum , dad, gran, grandpa , aunt or uncle to the Parents Room at the designated time.

A huge thanks to everyone who has kindly contributed to the snack donations, the children are thoroughly enjoying their fruit both indoors and out.

A successful first week of term

A big welcome back to the returning children who are demonstrating their eagerness to be back at nursery ready to learn, explore and discover.  Through consultations the children have offered their ideas on which resources and experiences should be available for them to participate in over the coming weeks, suggestion have included baking, playing outdoors, building pirate ships and playing with train track.  ‘The Three Little Pigs’ story has captured the children’s interest in all areas of the nursery and inspired them to build houses using different materials.

To ensure our newest children feel happy and secure when settling into Shotts Family Learning Centre we have sought advice from the experts (our pre-school children) on how we can include them and make them feel welcome.  This has proven to be a great success as all children are beginning to build friendships and recognise the feelings of others.  Here’s a sample of some suggestions.


What’s on week 27th August 2018

Please remember to return you completed annual data and your TWITTER user permission to Lorraine in the admin office. Thank you

The children are spending lots of time exploring the loose parts, water zone and mud kitchen during their outdoor learning that they are often needing a full set of outdoor clothes. Can you ensure that your child has spare clothing in their named nursery bag each session. 

Many thanks

Monday 23rd August 

Tuesday 24th August

Wednesday 25th August

Thursday 26th August

Amanda is on annual leave today – Isabel will be supporting the Rainbow Room

Friday 27th August

Amanda is on annual leave today – Pamela will be supporting the playroom in the morning, Shannon in the afternoon.

Three Read Approach to literacy nurturing early readers

Displayed on the whiteboard above the signing in register will tell you which practitioner was reading each particular story, as it may not always be your child’s key worker.

The Nurturing Early Readers home link pack will go home each week and should be returned to Christine or Nicola at the Literacy Tree each Thursday at the start of the session, where they will gather your views. The children will also be encouraged to share their favourite part of the story with their peers during the Nurture Read session.  Happy reading everyone.

What’s on week beginning 20th August 2018

Welcome to the new children and families who will be joining our learning community this week.  It was lovely to meet you all during the induction week.

Monday 20th August 2018

Tuesday 21st August 2018

Wednesday 22nd August 2018

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Emily Lang will be joining the centre this afternoon to undertake her Foundation Apprenticeship. Emily will be with the early level playroom every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

Thursday 23rd August 2018

Friday 24th August 2018

We really do appreciate the snack donations which you provide on a regular basis.  Many thanks


What’s on week beginning 13th August 2018

Monday 13th August 2018

Tuesday 14th August 2018

In Service Staff Training

Shannon Brown, early learning practitioner will be rejoining the staff team this term.  Shannon will work on a Monday morning, and every afternoon.

Wednesday 15th August 2018

In Service Staff Training

Thursday 16th August 2018

Welcome to our returning children and families who have been off during the summer holiday period.

Lorraine will be collecting toy fund donations in the cloakroom today.

Friday 17th August 2018

Welcome to Lynn and  Liz  from the Care Inspectorate who will be returning today following an unannounced visit during the summer. Today they will be focusing on the Quality of Care and Support and Quality of Staffing.

This session we ask that you use the sign in sheet in the cloakroom area for your child prior to dropping them off and collecting them from their key worker.