Active children are healthy, happy, school ready and sleep better. Physical activity for early years
- Builds relationships and social skills
- Maintains health and weight gain
- Contributes to brain development and learning
- Improves sleep
- Develops muscles and bones
- encourages movement and co-ordination
Every Movement Counts, you should aim for at least 3 hours across every day. Move more. Sit less. Play together
Last week we observed an increase in children’s development and movement skills through all aspects of their play and learning. I am sure you will agree that the added bonus of the sunnier weather has encouraged your child to be more active at home. Thank you to everyone who has ensured that their children arrive for their session protected from the sun, by applying sun scream and bringing a hat.
The Play on Pedals Family Sessions have once more being a resounding success whereby we have an almost 97% uptake of family participation. There is certainly a buzz surrounding our new cyclists. Please feel free to bring your child’s own pedal bike and helmet to the nursery where they can continue to practise their skills. Watch this space for the photographs to be uploaded.
The final numbers are now in for the Summer Outing and the coaches have now being priced. It is £8.50 per adult and child for a seat on the coach. Many families have chosen to take their own transport and pay their own entrance fee, if you have chosen to do this please advise Lorraine in the admin office.
We are closed for Public Holiday on Friday 25th and Monday 28th May 2018. Have a lovely weekend everyone.