We have been learning ………

Within the early level playroom the children have been learning that being active is a healthy way to be. They have planned many outings in and around their local community. In order to get to the two local swing parks, they had to use their navigational skills to find their way which led them in part to walk past their own houses. Each child took the opportunity to lead the group, they were encouraged to use lots of directional language.  Almost all of the children knew their way to and from, with many being able to recite their address and recognise the numerals on their doors.

Together the children have been enjoying handling, tasting,  talking and learning about different foods which keep them healthy. Some children are even willing to taste some foods they have never tried before and they have now become a favourite food.  Next week they are planning to recreate their very own vegetable shop.

The children have been using a variety of  methods to share their feelings, creating their own representations, through stories and games which has encouraged lots of discussion. Many of the  children are beginning to express how they are feeling and identify how others are feeling with the use of emotional literacy.

Through play the children have been exploring interesting materials for writing and are beginning to use mark making for a purpose.

Kodaly and ABC programmes continue to be delivered within the sessions where children are learning to listen and participate actively following instructions in response to rhymes and songs.

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