What’s on week 13th March 2017

Monday 13th March 2017

Gillian has had to finish a week earlier than anticipated, therefore Emma will take over as from today as key person to the Bumblebee children.

Amy has returned to support the learning and teaching every afternoon in the early level playroom.

Isabel is on a 3 day Hanen, Learning Language and Loving it, course.  Lynn will be in the early level playroom over these 3 days.

Tuesday 14th March 2017

Susan will be supporting in the Rainbow Room this afternoon whilst Kirsty is off.

Wednesday 15th March 2017

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Thursday 16th March 2017

Nicola is out of the nursery this morning, therefore Isabel will be supporting Butterfly children.

Roseanne educational psychologist who has taken over from Nevine will be in the nursery this afternoon.

Susan is out of the nursery this afternoon.

Friday 17th March 2017

Play on Pedals Family Session for Ladybird Group, 8. 40 am and 1 pm, please meet at the bike shed.

Claire Howard, will be delivery a Kodaly session for the children in the early level playroom.


End of term summer outing

Due to an excellent response from the recent consultation, it was unanimously decided that the end of term parent and child outing shall be to Blair Drummond Safari Park March 2017, on Monday 26th June. 9am until 3 pm.  This is a whole establishment outing with each child requiring a responsible parent or carer to accompany them.  The nursery will be closed on the day of the outing.

Image result for blair drummond safari park