World Book Day, and they lived happily ever after

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Through the week long opportunities cumulating in World Book Day.  The children have been demonstrating that they can retell a familiar story in sequence and use their own words to make up stories knowing that they must have a beginning, middle and end or indeed like many stories retold and rein acted this week having a “Happily ever after”.



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We wonder who’s wish came true?????, was it Snow White’s, Little Red Riding Hood or even the Giant who thanked the children for his potion, which turned him in to the friendliest giant ever.


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You can’t have a prince nor a prince charming without a crown.  The children used this as a context to compare and describe lengths and discuss whose crown needed to be longer or shorter in relation to the measurement of their heads.

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And then we has Prince Charming who had lost the buttons from his tunic.

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Fee, fi, fo, fum, who is going to create the beanstalk? Who’s footprints are the biggest, who’s are the smallest?  And what about the troll, how many bricks will it take to make the bridge? will we need all the same size?

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And finally a little bit of Dance with Rebecca on a Monday, where we have been learning how to use space safely as we keep to the beat.

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What’s on week beginning 6th March 2017

Monday 6th

Please complete the consultation in the reception area for the choice of venue for parent and child end of term summer outing.

Dance with Rebecca for children in the early level playroom.

Tuesday 7th

Lynn will be attending the Heads of Centres meeting in Kildrum Family Learning Centre this morning

Lynn will be attending this afternoon a Head’s of Establishment Support Session in Clyde Valley High School this afternoon.

Wednesday 8th

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all day today.

Gemma speech and language therapist will be on training today.

Thursday 9th

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room all day today.

Nurturing Nature Forest School Information session with Nicola 9 am and 1 pm in the Sunshine Room.

Please complete the consultation in the reception area for a fund raising event.

Friday 10th

Big Chef Little Chef with Jen in the Sunshine Room 1.15 pm.