Please note that June’s addition of the nursery newsletter is being distributed as a paper copy. Remember to collect your copy from your child’s key person.
Monday 30th
Public Holiday – nursery closed
Tuesday 31st
Jackie is on annual lave today
Pamela is on annual leave today
Wednesday 1st
Lynn will be on annual leave until the 9th June
Dragonfly Family Play on Pedals session 8.45-9.15 am & 1 pm-1.30 pm
Yvonne Quigg Early Learning and Transition teacher will be in the early level playroom this morning
Gemma Kelly Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today
Thursday 2nd
Pamela is on annual leave today and tomorrow
Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola & Gillian 9 am
Jennifer and Liz supporting in the early level playroom today
Birth to Three Rhyme Time Stay and Play sessions with Christine and Elaine 1.15 pm
Friday 3rd
Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Gillian and Nicola 1.15 pm
Bumblebee Family Play on Pedals session 1 pm-1.30 pm
Play on Pedals Parent Champion Training in Parent Room 8.50-11.45 am