Early Level Playroom

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The children within the Early Level Playroom are continuing to develop their understanding of size and amount by observing, exploring and communicating with others. Through the context of mini-beasts the children have had opportunities to participate in matching, sorting and comparing games, exploring numbers and understanding that they represent quantities. Visits to the Nature Park have inspired children’s creativity and imagination in the creation of a bug hotel within the outdoor garden which we are all hoping will attract some bugs, birds and bunnies in the coming future, with a scarecrow ready to protect the seeds and plants.

Children are independently  accessing the creative art area and have been supported in sharing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design, creating their own representations of beautiful butterflies, wriggly worms and scary spiders.

Within Together Time all children  have been learning  new songs to support the learning of life cycles, mini beasts and  planting and growing, some favourites include, Tiny caterpillar on a leaf, Wiggly Woo, Mary Mary and Incy Wincey Spider. Why not ask your child to teach you a few.


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