Learning within the Early Level playroom

The children have been very busy in the nursery learning around the context of The 3 Little Pigs.  They have been reading the story as well as watching the “True story of the three little pigs” on the interactive smart board.  The children have also been re-enacting the story using puppets and dressing up as the different characters from the story.

Within the art area children have been creating representations of the story by making life size paintings of the different characters.  There has been lots of discussions on how they would feel if they were one of the three little pigs while also discussing how the big bad wolf might have felt.

Within the home corner  children have been creating a hospital where the three little pigs are being looked after. The children have been taking turns caring for each other and showing an awareness of each others feelings by listening to conversations on how there houses were blown down by the big bad wolf.

Children have have been creating new homes for the 3 little pigs using a variety of materials including bricks, paper, sticks, twigs, clay and play dough exploring the different patterns and shapes in each build.  They have been developing problem solving skills by experimenting through “huffing and puffing” to find out which house is the weakest and which one is the strongest in keeping the little pigs safe.



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