What’s on week beginning 25th January 2016

Monday 25th 

Lynn will be in early level playroom this week.

Liz and Jennifer will be supporting the early level playroom today.

Marjory McCallum from St Patricks Primary and Nursery will be meeting with Jackie this afternoon to discuss transition arrangements.

Alison Hay Childcare Development Officer will be in the centre this afternoon.

Tuesday 26th

Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC establishments.

Mary Ann Williams, Sensory Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom this morning.

Amanda, Occupational Therapist will be in the early level playroom this morning.

Wednesday 27th 

Birth to 3, parent consultations 9 am and 1 pm in the Parent Room.

Today will be Nancy’s last day in the centre before she begins her retirement.

Thursday 28th 

Elaine will at the Infant Mental Health Course this morning.

Amanda and Susan will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Elaine and Christine will be finalising their preparations for the forthcoming Book Bug & Stay and Play Parent and Child sessions.

Head Teachers Agnes Anderson, Alexander Pedan Primary, Scott Clark, Stane Primary, Tina Donnelly, Dykehead Primary, Isobel Cook and Brendan Duffy, Coatholm Primary will be meeting with Lynn and Jackie this afternoon to discuss effective early level transition in children’s numeracy learning and development.

Friday 29th 

Lynn will be attending a Transition Event, at HQ Coatbridge this morning.

Multi agency planning meeting for colleagues to roll out the Solihull Approach to Understanding your Child’s Behaviour in the centre this afternoon


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