What is on week beginning the 23rd November 2015

Gillian remains on sick leave, therefore Emma shall continue to support the Bumblebee Welcome Group.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week.

This week is Book Week Scotland, where the children will be involved in a number of experiences and opportunities to celebrate this event.

Monday 23rd November 

Nancy will be in the reception area at the beginning and end of each session to collect any donations from last weeks sponsor Sing a long.

Siobhan is on annual leave today.

Christine, Susan and Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom this morning.

Tuesday 24th November

Jackie is on annual leave until Friday.

Wednesday 25th November 

Yvonne Quigg, Pre five learning support teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Thursday 26th November

Siobhan will be taking a group of morning children to visit Rosehall Care Home, to share their favourite stories.

Gemma Kelly, speech and language therapist will be in the nursery all day.

Christine, Susan, Lauren and Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Friday 27th November

A couple of practitioners will be out today purchasing some of the children’s Christmas gifts.

Lynn will be out of the centre today at the local Area Heads of Establishment meeting.