What’s on week beginning the 2nd November 2015

Monday 2nd October 2015

Christine, Gillian, Siobhan and Carly are on SL today.

Supporting in the early level playroom is temporary early learning practitioners Danelle and Shannon.

Lynn is attending the planning group  this afternoon for the forthcoming NLC Nurture Conference in February 2015.

Tuesday 3rd October 2015

Gillian, Siobhan and Carly are on SL today.

Supporting in the early level playroom is temporary early learning practitioners Danelle and Shannon.

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals training to colleagues within NLC.

Jennifer will be supporting in the early level playroom this morning .

MaryAnn sensory support teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Wednesday 4th October 2015

Gillian, Siobhan and Carly are on SL today.

Supporting in the early level playroom is temporary early learning practitioner Danelle.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Yvonne Pre Five Learning Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Cycle Scotland will be working with a few parents and children this morning to launch Play on Pedals.

Forest School with Nicola and Susan this morning.

Thursday 5th October 2015

Siobhan is returning to day.

Gillian  and Carly are on SL today.

Supporting in the early level playroom is temporary early learning practitioners Danelle and Shannon.

Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Friday 6th November 2015

Gillian  and Carly are on SL today.

Supporting in the early level playroom is temporary early learning practitioners Danelle and Shannon.

Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Forest School Parent and Child session with Nicola and Susan this afternoon.

Infant Massage with Amanda in the Sunshine Room at 2 pm.




2 thoughts on “What’s on week beginning the 2nd November 2015”

  1. I can’t make any of the parents meetings but it would be good if that points could be uploaded here for everyone’s input 🙂 A suggestion I have is could the kids to a Christmas nativity play this year, as an alternative to the Mr Christmas outing that was done last year?

  2. Thanks Rochelle, we will discuss your suggestion at the next team planning meeting. There are already outings planned which you will get notification of at the end of next week. The children as part of their transition are normally invited to their receiving schools nativity or carol concert, details of this will be in the December newsletter.

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