Healthy Eating Week 1st – 5th June 2015

  We hope that you all managed to complete your  five healthy challenges at home.  Please remember to return your child’s completed sheet on Monday 8th June where they will be entered into a prize draw.


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All week we have been learning about different ways to keep our bodies fit and healthy.

Outdoors we explored how to move our bodies  during gymnastic sessions. We  did handstands, forward rolls as well as star jumps and lots lots more.

We also took part in dance sessions moving our bodies to different beats and rhythms’.

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After all these healthy activities we decided to open up our own Healthy Living Café where we made healthy snacks including pizza’s, fruit kebabs and milkshakes.

Some of the children even tried new fruit and veg including avocado and mango!

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We finished off our healthy living week by having lots of fun being active on our bikes and scooters outdoors.  We  closed the car park to give us  more space to practice our cycling manoeuvres. We can’t wait till next Friday to do it all again.

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Siobhan delivered a numeracy workshop to parents exploring different ways to  promote maths  at home through everyday fun and games.

Everyone had a great time !

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