What’s happening week beginning the 11th May 2015

Monday 11th May 2015

Geraldine McCann, Pre Five Learning Support Teacher, will be in the centre today.

Forest School Session with Nicola.

Infant Massage with Siobhan this morning in the Sunshine Room.

Lauren and Amanda will supporting in the early level playroom this morning.

Caterpillar parental consultations with Elaine. Jenifer and Liz will be supporting the Caterpillar Group today.

Play on Pedals for parents and children in the Sunshine & Rainbow Room this afternoon.

Tuesday 12th May 2015

Nevine Mamhoud, Educational Psychologist will be in the centre today.

Louise Carson, Speech & Language Therapist will be in the centre this afternoon.

Ladybird parental consultations with Siobhan. Lauren will be supporting the Ladybird Group in the morning, Jackie in the afternoon.

Wednesday 13th May 2015

Louise Carson, Speech & Language Therapist will in the centre this morning.

Dragonfly parental consultations with Amanda, Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the Sunshine Room today.

Dykehead Primary School parent and child transition session 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm, for all morning and afternoon children.

Forest School Session with Nicola.

Thursday 14th May

Butterfly parental consultations with Nicola, Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Butterfly Group today.

Friday 15th May

Bumblebee parental consultations with Gillian, Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Bumblebee Group today.

Rhyme Time for parents and children in the Sunshine and Rainbow Room.

Next week we will be hosting a week of activities and experiences in recognition of Scottish Book Bug week.


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