Saturday 2nd May 2015

Its not to late to purchase your ticket for the  fundraising event on Saturday 2nd May 2015 at the Station Hotel.  To date there has been approximately 40 tickets sold.

If for some reason sales of tickets do not increase then the event will be postponed and the cost of the coaches to Blair Drummond will be added to the price of entry.

We hope to see as many families and friends at the Station Hotel.

Please contact the nursery on 01501 826713, if you would like to reserve tickets.

What’s on week begining 20th April 2015

Monday 20th April

Lynn will be in the Birth to Three Nursery most of this week

Jackie will be at a Building the Ambition working group all day

Infant Massage with Christine in the Sunshine Room

Lauren will be supporting in the Butterfly Group

Nicola will be leading the Forest School session this morning

Tuesday 21st April

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to practitioners at St Patricks Nursery Class

Lynn will be a Leadership meeting in Calderhead High School in the morning

St Patricks Primary Transition Visit 9.15 am

Louise Carson Speech & Language Therapist will be in the nursery this afternoon

Gillian will be completing her children’s progress reports Tues, Wed, Thur, Carly will be supporting the Bumblebee Group

Wednesday 22nd April

Louise Carson Speech & Language Therapist will be in the nursery this morning

Afternoon Forest School session postponed

Thursday 23rd April

Stane Primary School Transition Visit 9.15 am

Nicola is on annual leave, Jackie will be supporting the Butterfly Group

Friday 24th April

Carly will be completing some of the children’s progress reports

Celebration for those parents who undertook the Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour course with Jen Dawson, CLD worker in the Birth to Three nursery.

Nicola is on annual leave, Jackie will be supporting the Butterfly Group

We would like to wish Nicola lots of future health and happiness as she marries Scott Carlin tomorrow Saturday 25th April. Nicola will then be on honeymoon until Tuesday 5th May. Many congratulations Nicola and Scott.