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Scottish Art

Our focus for Art this term has been on the work of Glasgow architect and artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We copied his famous rose design and carved it onto a polystyrene tile. We then used the tile to print our rose.  IMG_1299 IMG_1300 IMG_1301 IMG_1302

Co-ordinates for fun!

We have enjoyed learning about co-ordinates in Maths. This week we were plotting co-ordinates on an alpha-numeric grid and getting excited to see what patterns were revealed. IMG_1296 IMG_1297 IMG_1298We also looked at the link between Maths and Geography as co-ordinates are often used in maps.

Visit Scotland!

Yesterday we watched a TV documentary all about Scotland’s tourism industry. We listened really carefully and took notes. Today we are using these notes to write information booklets to give to anyone who wishes to visit our beautiful country. IMG_1272 IMG_1273 IMG_1274 IMG_1275 IMG_1276