All posts by Mrs Lennon nee Gibb

Home Learning – LAST DAY OF TERM

Well boys and girls that’s us come to the end of term.  What a funny old end to the school year! I really missed working with you during this last term.  I hope you have enjoyed all of the home learning activities and I look forward to seeing you at school in August.

So think back over your year in Primary 2/3.  Tell me some of your favourite memories.  Here are some photos to jog your memory….


Boys and girls I have loved having you in my class this year.  You have worked really hard and I am so proud of all of you!! I hope you all have  a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all in the new school year.

Lots of Love

Mrs Lennon


Home Learning – 23.5.20

Well done to everyone who took part in the virtual sports day.

Was lovely to see some of the photos of you taking part.

Today is:

Warm up

  • Explore this website to find out more about World Olympic Day.
  • Use online resources to research the history of the Olympics.
  • Write down 3 facts you have learned about the Olympics.

Main Tasks

Task 1

  • Read the passage about the Olympic Games then answer the questions.


Task 2

  • Design your own Olympic Mascot

  • First choose a city where your Olympic Games will take place.
  • Find out 2/3 facts about your city of choice.
  • Give your Mascot a name.
  • Draw a picture of your Olympic Mascot.

Fun Finisher

  • Create your own Olympic Event – Make it fun but keep it safe:)



Home Learning – 22.6.20


Good morning boys and girls. I hope you had a nice weekend.  Only 3 more days left of the term.  Let’s start the week off with some fun……


Remember today is our Virtual Sports Day.

Lot’s of fun activities to take part in.

Head over to the main blog to find out more.


Home Learning 19.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.  That’s us come to the end of our last full week – can you believe it?!!  Only 3 more days left of this school year.  I hope you have enjoyed our Health and Wellbeing week.  Our Friday focus is:


Warm up  – People who help us

  • I have assigned some people who help us books to your EPIC account.
  • Watch this clip on people who help us.

  • Draw/write about someone who helps you.

Main task – Dangers in the home

  • Look at the pictures below.  Can you spot some of the dangers?

Fun Finisher – Road Safety

  • Explore these websites to find out more about road safety.

BBC road safety

Road safety.

  • Can you make up your own road safety song?


Home Learning 18.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.   Our health and wellbeing focus for today is:


Warm up

  • Read the book on healthy eating  that I have assigned to your EPIC account.
  • Watch this video to learn more about healthy eating.

  • Go on a food label hunt to find out more about what is in the food you are eating.

Main Task

  • Use the Eatwell Guide to help you plan a healthy meal.

Fun Finisher

  • Create a healthy eating rainbow.   Draw foods that match the colour of the rainbow.



Home Learning 17.5.20


A big well done boys and girls, we have now read over 400 books on the EPIC website.  Let’s see if we can get to 500 before the end of the term.

Our Health and Wellbeing focus for today is:

Warm up – Timed challenges

  • Time yourself doing the exercises below.
  • Try it again tomorrow and Friday – can you beat your first attempt?

Main Task

Task 1

  • Read the book on exercise that I have assigned to your EPIC account.
  • Design a poster that advertises the benefits of exercise.


Task 2

  • Design your own exercise routine.  You could include:


Fun finisher

  • Have a go at doing some yoga.

Remember to continue to work on your maths skills by playing Sumdog.

Home Learning 15.5.20

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  This week our blog is going to focus on Health and Wellbeing.  Each day we will have a different focus.

Today we are focusing on:

Warm up

Main Task

  • Make up a friendship recipe
  • Think about all of the things that are important in  friendship.

Fun finisher

Choose one of these fun art activities to complete for one of your friends.

  • Make a friendship bracelet  – you could use paper, wool, string , card.

  • Draw a picture of a friend.

  • Paint a picture of something your friend likes.

  • Make a friendship cloud – what words make your friend special?

  • Make a friendship card – write a message for your friend inside.

Home Learning 12.5.20

Maths – Measure

Warm up


   Longer or shorter song


  • Look at the picture and answer the questions.


  • Look at the picture and answer the questions.


Fun Finisher

  • Have a go at measuring things around the house with your handspan.   You could measure the door, a table or desk, a book etc.

  • Play Sumdog maths for 15 minutes.

Literacy – plurals

  • Watch

Oxdford Owl – What are Plurals?

Main Task

  • Copy and complete

  • Copy and complete

Fun Finisher

  • Choose a book to read from the EPIC website.

Well boys and girls that’s us at the end of another week.  Not long to go now until the end of term.  Next week is going to look slightly different as we are going to be focusing on Health and Wellbeing.

Enjoy the weekend and I will see you back here on Monday to kick-start our HWB week.