Well boys and girls that’s us come to the end of term. What a funny old end to the school year! I really missed working with you during this last term. I hope you have enjoyed all of the home learning activities and I look forward to seeing you at school in August.
So think back over your year in Primary 2/3. Tell me some of your favourite memories. Here are some photos to jog your memory….
Boys and girls I have loved having you in my class this year. You have worked really hard and I am so proud of all of you!! I hope you all have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all in the new school year.
Good morning boys and girls. That’s us come to the end of our last full week – can you believe it?!! Only 3 more days left of this school year. I hope you have enjoyed our Health and Wellbeing week. Our Friday focus is:
Warm up – People who help us
I have assigned some people who help us books to your EPIC account.
Watch this clip on people who help us.
Draw/write about someone who helps you.
Main task – Dangers in the home
Look at the pictures below. Can you spot some of the dangers?
Fun Finisher – Road Safety
Explore these websites to find out more about road safety.
Good morning boys and girls. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. This week our blog is going to focus on Health and Wellbeing. Each day we will have a different focus.
Well boys and girls that’s us at the end of another week. Not long to go now until the end of term. Next week is going to look slightly different as we are going to be focusing on Health and Wellbeing.
Enjoy the weekend and I will see you back here on Monday to kick-start our HWB week.