Home Learning 30.3.20

Maths – Addition

Warm up – Target number

Choose a number – write down as many addition sums as you can for that target number.

Main task – Missing Number Calculations


8 + ______ = 16

4 + ______ = 12

6 + ______ = 9

15 + ______ = 19

12 + _______ = 23

_______ + 5 = 20

_______ + 8 = 17

_______ + 4 = 10

_______ + 10 = 19

_______ + 9 = 12


12 + ______ = 20

19 + ______ = 23

50 + ______ = 61

28 + ______ = 35

68 + ______ = 77

_______ + 9 = 19

_______ + 20 = 100

_______ + 10 = 23

_______ + 9 = 34

_______ + 8 = 23

Fun Finisher

Play this game on Topmarks – Hit the button – Focus on the number bonds game.

Literacy – Spelling – Waterfall Words

Write each word 3 times using Waterfall writing (as shown above.)












Main Task

Make up your own silly sentences using your spelling words.

Challenge – How many of your words can you find in books/magazines/newspapers around the house?

Fun Finisher – 

Depending on what you have available to you at home, have a go at one of these spelling games;

  • Spelling Puzzle: Make a home-made puzzle by writing the words in large on a piece of card.  Cut it up and then piece it back together again?
  • Spelling Word Race: Create two teams with a player from each team taking the ‘pen’ at a time. Someone calls out the word and the two players race to write the word first.
  • Type it out: Open up a document to type on. Get someone to call out the words for you to spell.   Then play around with the word; increase the font size, change the colour etc.
  • Online Spelling game – Have a go at this online  spelling game  – Spooky Spelling


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