Homework 14.11 – 21.11

Primary 2



Explore this website.  Read the stories and play some of the games.


During our story writing we have been focusing on punctuation.  Create a poster telling the class all about the different types of punctuation you know about.   What does it look like?  When would you use it ?


Choose 5 words from your word wall to practice.

Maths – addition

 Totals – Provide children with a suitable total, appropriate to their confidence within 50  –  16, 39, 47 or 35, etc. Ask them to record all the different addition calculations involving two numbers, with that total. Encourage them to work systematically.

 Doubles – Explore adding doubles to 50.  Write down 5 doubles sums in your jotter.


Design a new bandana for Pudsey Bear  (handout will be given on the 15.11) .  To be completed for 17.11.17.

Primary 3



  • Explore these on-line stories. 
  • Choose one of the stories and make up 3 of your own questions about the book.



During our story writing we have been focusing on punctuation.  Create a poster telling the class all about the different types of punctuation you know about.  What does it look like?  When would you use it?


  • Choose 5 words from your word wall to practice.

Maths  – addition

  • Totals – Provide children with a suitable total, appropriate to their confidence within 100, 16, 39, 67 or 95, etc. Ask them to record all the different addition calculations involving two numbers, with that total. Encourage them to work systematically.
  • Doubles – Explore adding doubles to 100. Write down 5 doubles sums in your jotter.
  • Have a go at these adding games – Game 1  Game 2


Design a new bandana for Pudsey Bear (handout will be given 15.11).  To be completed for 17.11.17

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