Category Archives: bootcamp

Bio Poem

1.first name : Courtney

2. Fun ,Loving ,Defensive, Smart

3. Daughter of Sharon and Bryan sister of (little) Bryan

4. Mum -dad -dogs- friends

5. Angry, happy, sad

6. Rats ,wasps ,bugs

7. 2 medals for ballet and one  trophy also one medal for gymnastic and 4 medals for tye Kwan do

8. wants to parachute out of an aeroplane travel the world and swim with dolphins

9. last name :Murray


Bio Poem

Jaimee                                                                                                                                             crazy, funny, cheeky and brave                                                                                    mum called Heather, dad called Stephen, sister called Taylor and brother called Harry                                                                                                     loves the internet, outdoors and parties                                                             angry ,happy, confusion                                                                                           heights, lions, bears and sharks                                                                         getting role as grandpa in Uncle Crumbles Mad Machine                      see a pig fly, sit on a chair with balloons on it and ride a dinosaur   lives in a house in Scotland                                                                                       Moffat

Bio Poem

1) Corrina

2) Who is smart, talented, pretty and amazing

3) Who is the daughter of Chloe and James, cousin of Leah and Hollie

4) Lover of singing, shop, dancing, shopping, and playing sports

5) Happy, loved, sad and much more

6) Dying, flying, and bugs

7) winner of dance meddles, sports meddles, north Lanarkshire challenge award, drammar  award

8) She wants to sky dive, swim with the dolphins and travel around the world

9) in a 2 bed room flat

10) Clark







who is fun, noisy and hyper

Son to Alice and stuart brother to Grace 

Loves football, sleeping, internet and running

has experienced happiness, disappointment, shock

 scared of  heights, sister and teletubbies

has come 3rd in a football tournament

wants to see a solar eclipse

lives in a house in Airdrie


ilyas bio poem


Who is the son of Michael and Nesrine

Love the idea of sports & snowboarding

Happy, fun ,hyper

Fears of big dogs stinging jellyfish ,lions

Won a medal for trumpet & completed piano exam/snow boarding lessons

Who wants to be rich, go on the biggest rollercoaster in the world  and become very famous

Scotland, Airdrie


Bio Poem

1 Paige

2 Talented, Fabulous, Beautiful and Smart

3 Daughter of Sara and Malcolm. Sister of Brandon and Ellie-joy and Robyn.

4 Lover of IPAD, Phone and Bed

5 Who feels Excited, Sick and Happy

6 Is scared of Lizards, Birds and Spiders

7 Who has achieved the Head Teachers Awards, a Medal for Graduating Nursery. Medal from Trumpet

8 Who wants to go to California and Australia

9 Who lives in a 3 Bed Room House

10 Bell

My Biopoem

  1. Jessica
  2. Who is Talented , crazy and silly
  3. Daughter of Sarah and Robert
  4. Lover of dancing singing and runningWho is full of happiness jumpiness and sadness
  5. Afraid of someone close dying breaking my arm or badly hurting myself
  6. Winner of a medal  for dancing football and trumpet
  7. In my future I want to build a castle climb mount Everest and to jump out of a plane
  8. She lives in a house in craignuk
  9. Chalmers


Bio Poem by Ewan Pearson


Who is

Brother of Lewis, son of Yvonne and  Keith

Lover of Football, Sleeping,Running

Who feels Excited,Happy,Sad

is afraid of Snakes Sharks and Taranchulas

Who has  won a bord games competition he also came 3rd in a football tournement and he build an airfix Titanic model

He would like to experience Big Ben, The Manchester City Stadium and become a famous football player

he lives in a house in Petersburn Airdrie


my lovely biopoem

Today I am going to write a bio poem. I hope you enjoy it.


Who is kind funny helpful and cheeky.

Who is daughter to ( Corrine and Andy , friends with Katie and Rachel.

Who loves football netball and ducks( quack quack.)

Who is always happy joyful and cheery.

Who fears heights planes and thunder.

Who grew carrots in her garden and discovered she was good at sport.

Who was desperate to see what happened in the wars years ago.

Who lives in Airdrie Lanarkshire Scotland.
