Hello Primary 5/4!
I hope you had a nice long weekend away from learning and did the things you enjoy most!
I have posted new learning resources this week & I hope you find them enjoyable and interesting!
Over the weekend you may have heard lots about when lockdown may end and when you will return to school. One of the things I agreed with from watching and listening to Nicola Sturgeon was how fantastic you have all been during this time. It has been difficult for you not learning the way you normally would and to not be at school with your teacher and friends but you have been trying so hard! I know learning at home is tricky and it may not always be what you want to be doing but I am proud of you for still trying to engage with your learning and I am grateful for all the pictures and videos I receive showing me how hard you are working on the tasks I am setting.
Remember – every bit of learning you do is beneficial – it doesn’t need to be something I’ve set. These resources are here if you need them but if you want to carry out research on something that interests you, find a way to include learning outdoors, read books you enjoy or get creative with arts & crafts then go for it! You (and your parents!) are in charge of your learning just now!
Remember to keep sending me any pictures of things you complete or anything else that you are doing that you would like to share with me. Also, continue to keep in touch with myself and your classmates on Mail or through our Class Team!
Have a great week P5/4!
Miss Girvan