Primary 5/4 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Mental Health Awareness Week…


Today marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week 2020. Throughout the week, The Mental Health Foundation are encouraging us to talk about kindness and its link to our mental health…

“At times like these, when the world feels upside down, kindness can be the key to turning things around…”

If you want to learn more, create your own posters related to kindness or hear some stories of kindness you can follow the link in blue above.

You can also learn more through this Newsround bulletin… Newsround – Mental Health Awareness

BBC Bitesize are also giving us some inspiration for doing our own ‘Acts of Kindness’ for our friends, family, community and ourselves… BBC Bitesize – Acts of Kindness

You could also take on the ‘7 Day Kindness Challenge’…

Or record some of the times you were kind to others and when others were kind to you in this kindness diary…

Kindness Diary – Word Document

Kindness Diary – PDF Document

Make sure to tell me the kind things you have done or others have done for you!

I’ll take on the challenge too and keep a photo diary to share with you at the end of the week – showing the acts of kindness I have completed!

Miss Girvan.

P.S. Remember…

In a world where you can be anything be kind handwriting monogram calligraphy. Black and white engraved ink art.

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