Primary 2a Ladywell P.S 2016-17

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

November 7, 2016
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A visit from Scottish Power Renewables

We’ve been learning about how electricity is made. Mr MacKay came to visit us and he told us all about his job building Wind Turbines.

He showed us some of the equipment he wears when he climbs inside the wind turbine, all the way up to the top!

We really enjoyed learning about renewable energy and asking him questions about his job.  We even got to try on some of the safety gear!

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October 14, 2016
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Health Week – Day 4

This morning we had a Dance session with Toni, we learned some funky moves.




Claire from IBike told us lots of important information about bike helmets. We will make sure we always wear our helmets when we are on bikes, scooters, roller skates or skateboards.

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Finally, this afternoon we made ‘Granny Island’s Blueberry Pancakes’. We measured out all the ingredie  nts and mixed them together to make a batter.

Mrs MacKay poured the batter into the pan and we added Blueberries before flipping the pancakes over.

Once they cooled down we ate them. They tasted great, the blueberries went all squishy and tasted a bit like jam. Yummmm!14-10-106 14-10-104 14-10-102 14-10-100

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October 12, 2016
by User deactivated

Health Week – Day 3

This morning we had our slot on the adventure course, it was a shame it was indoor but we still had fun with the challenges. Thanks for all the donations towards our school fund!

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This afternoon we made the most of the lovely weather and had an outdoor Yoga session. We learned lots of new moves.

Downward-facing Dog


Child’s Pose


Balance Pose


October 11, 2016
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Health Week – Day 2

Another fab day! This morning we listened to a presentation by Lyndsey from St Andrew’s Hospice.

She spoke to us about a healthy lifestyle and thanked us for all the charity work Ladywell does for the hospice.




We then had a Tae Kwon Do session.

It was great fun learning different skills like blocks and side-kicks.






October 10, 2016
by User deactivated

Health Week – Day 1

We’ve had a busy start to Health week. This morning we explored non-fiction texts about Looking after our Bodies.

We then took part in an indoor class energiser with Jumpstart Johnny. It was so much fun.




We then cooled down by going on the outdoor gym equipment in the playground.

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This afternoon we were discovering how to respond in an emergency. We worked in groups to role-play dialing 999.


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October 7, 2016
by User deactivated

W/B – 3rd October

This week has been very busy as we’ve been preparing for parent’s night. Thank you to everyone who came along.

In class we’ve been busy practising our new phonemes and common words. We have also been trying to write independent sentences with joining words to make them more interesting.

In Maths, we have also been exploring chimney sums. We are getting very good at adding tens and units.

We have also been trying to learn number bonds and doubles off by heart. Here we are playing a ‘Double Dice’ game.

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September 29, 2016
by User deactivated


Hi everyone!

Welcome to P2a and Mrs MacKay’s class blog. We look forward to sharing interesting pictures and information about what’s going on in our class! 🙂


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