All posts by Mrs Carton

First Aid 2

If you find someone who is hurt and they are not awake these activities will help you learn how to help them.  Hopefully you would be with an adult who could help but perhaps your knowledge could also help them!

The video on the web page below is a good place to begin.  Watch it and then have a go at role playing the situation or the one on the link below.  There is also more information and activities on the page.  You might recognise the recovery position that they put the patient into although the video doesn’t use this label.

unresponsive-and-breathing-how-to-help-card Information card

unresponsive-and-breathing-role-play-card_practise  Role play activity

An important thing to remember is to always Check for danger before you go to help, is there anything sharp or broken lying around that you could hurt yourself on?


Have a go at teaching someone at home too.


Healthy Eating Rap/Talk

Lets put all of your knowledge about healthy eating to good use and make up a rap or talk.  First have a look at this rap on imoves.  

Scroll down this page to Healthy Eating Raps and click on the Active Blast 7-11 video.

Once you have watched it have a go at making up your own rap, song or talk.

Choose a few of your favourite fruits and vegetables.  Give them a name with the same initial sound (this is called ALLITERATION).

e.g. Percy Pear, Amy Apply, Tony Tomato

Then find out some facts about why each one is good for us, there are a few facts in the video you could use to get you started.

e.g. full of vitamin C, look after your heart and blood,

Now try to put it together in a short rap or any way you like.  You could use the backing music and beat from the video.  If you’d prefer, you could make a poster or factfile with your facts.


The imoves website has lots of resources and videos on lots of different subjects including Health and Wellbeing, Maths and Science.  You can sign up for free at this time to access more.

Fair Sharing – Division

Numberjacks is another video maths series which introduces concepts to children in an easy to understand way.  Below is the link to sharing fairly which is early division.  Once you’ve watched the video (or part of it), have a go at sharing objects out between yourself and someone else at home.  This links to the Numberblocks videos and activities I shared last week.

Here are some word problems you can all try.  Remember in class we have used objects or we have drawn a picture to help us solve a problem.  Hexagons and Octagons could then try to record it as a number sentence with the division symbol.

division example

Sharing Problems 1

Sharing Problems 2





Space Poster

Before you get started can you name any of the planets we learned about?  How many could you remember?  Can you remember the order they are in from the Sun?

Next watch this short, fun video about the Sun and the planets.

Choose one of the planets or the Sun and find out a few facts or key words about it.  The video has lots of facts or you could do your own research in a book or online.

Now use your facts to make a poster or factfile about your planet.  Make the title big and bold, space your facts out and remember a picture or 2 as they can add lots of information and look good.

We would love to see a picture of your poster or factfile.

Birds – International Dawn Chorus Day Sunday 3rd May

Back in January and February we took part in the RSPB Big Birdwatch as part of a mini topic on ‘Birds’.  This Sunday is ‘International Dawn Chorus Day’ and I thought this might be a good opportunity to take some learning outside especially as the weather looks good.  Below is the link to the event on the RSPB website.

I’m not sure I’ll be up at Dawn to hear it but I think I’ll try some of these activities with my 2 children.

  1.  Take some time to relax and practise some mindfulness.  If you haven’t got a garden then you could lie on your bed and play the video on the website or simply try to listen to the sounds from outside.  If you do have a garden then find a comfy spot, sit or lie down and close your eyes.  Take some deep breaths and try not to think about anything.  Instead focus on what you can hear, can you hear any birds chattering to each other?  Try this for a minute or two or even longer if you’re enjoying it.  It’s important to take some time just to relax.
  2. Conduct a bird survey either in your garden, on your daily walk or from a window in your home.  How many different birds can you see?  Which bird is the most common (the most of)?  Which is the biggest/smallest?  Use tally marks or your own method of recording what you see then you could draw or make a graph to show your information.  Remember in class we used different objects for each part of the graph.  You could use red objects for robins and blue ones for blue tits, anything you fancy really!
  3. Choose your favourite bird from the ones you have spotted.  You could make a poster or factfile about it or draw or paint a picture.
  4. Collect some pieces of nature on your daily walk, things like small twigs, wild flowers like dandelions and leaves.  Use them to create a piece of artwork of a bird.


Or maybe you have your own ideas.  Be sure to safely share what you get up to on here,  in Microsoft Teams or on Twitter.  Although Sunday is the official day these activities could be done anytime.


Good luck.

Sunflowers, Buttercups and Daisies

Letters and Sounds are uploading daily phonics lessons from today.  The youtube channel can be found below.

The direct link for today’s lesson focussing on ‘ai’ is below (reception lesson 1).  This 20 minute lesson recaps other phonemes (sounds) and diagraphs (2 letter sounds) as well.

The direct link for today’s lesson focussing on ‘ay’ is below (year 1 lesson 1).

After watching the video you could draw a flower and write a different ‘ai’ or ‘ay’ word on each petal.  You could do this with a rainbow or rain clouds or anything else you like to draw.


Numberblocks (BBC iplayer)

We learned about the 2 and 10 times tables last term.  Skip counting in 2s and 10s is a useful strategy to help us remember the tables.  You could try skip counting in other numbers like 3, 4 and 5.  Can you build the 3, 4 or 5 times tables?  Can you see any number patterns that help you?

Counting in 2s looks like this. 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10….  The numbers are all even (end in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8).  You jump over a number and say the next one.

Counting in 10s looks like this. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50….The numbers are all even and end in 0. The number of tens goes up by 1 each time.

Below are links to some of the Numberblocks episodes on BBC iplayer. Start at 4.16 which is about times tables.  The following episodes explore sharing out and division.  Remember times tables (multiplying) makes a bigger number, division makes a smaller number as you share out the objects into groups.  Have a go at sharing out objects with people at home.  You could collect 8 toys and share them out.  If there are 4 people in your house how many toys would each person get?  Remember it has to be fair so everyone gets an equal amount.

Below is a link to the cbeebies website which has some more tips for maths linked to Numberblocks

Welcome back!

We hope you managed to have a fun filled Spring holiday despite the Lockdown.  Now that we are at the start of what would be Term 4 we will begin to post some new home learning tasks.  We’d love to hear from you and see any tasks that you would like to share with us.  You can do that in a number of ways.  Add a comment to one of the blog posts (this is a public forum so please post responsibly and safely), post a message/photo in our P3/2 Microsoft Team (a link was emailed to your personal glow email address) or tweet a photo to the Ladywell Twitter page.

The first learning activities for this term are based around the Twinkl ebook, ‘The Zoo Vet’.  You can read the book online on the Twinkl website which has been made free for the duration of the school closures.  You can sign up at and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS.

The link for the book is or you can search for it.

The Twinkl home learning grid can be found here and it has also been attached here  The Zoo Vet Home Learning.

Most of the activities don’t require you to have read the ebook but it is an excellent excuse to read together and talk about what happens.

A lot of the activities link to our earlier learning in P3/2 on animal habitats, days of the week, hand washing and role play.

There is no expectation to do every task, these are just some suggestions for the week.  We understand the difficulties of home learning as we are trying to do it with our kids too!  Please share what you do have a go at as we would love to see how you get on.

Mrs Carton and Miss Steel