Hello P1b
Hope you are all safe and well! Missing you all lots and lots, but been so lovely to hear from some more of you through our Microsoft Teams page!
Please find ideas for home learning for this week below. (Remember that these are only ideas and you don’t need to do them all)
You can continue with the maths grid attached from a couple weeks ago (20.4.20) – continue to send any pictures of you completing any activities through our Microsoft teams page or on twitter.
Lots of you are having a great go at the Studyladder activities. Well done!! I will continue to set Maths activities for you on this and this week we are also going to try some literacy activities. We hope you enjoy them!
If you require your Studyladder login details then please email me on:
See previous home learning posts further down on this blog of how to access the activities on Studyladder.
This week activities on Studyladder for Maths are:
- 8 activites all working on numbers to 100, enjoy!
Have a go exploring numbers to 100. Try to count to 100 and back, again in 2s, 5s and 10s. Have a go at writing the numbers to 100 or counting household items that have a bigger quantity than 20, perhaps clothes pegs, pasta shapes, lentils anything at all you can find!
Phonics & Spelling
This week the sounds are :
g l f o b u
This week the common words are :
go got get if for on be but you
Below are some activities that you can do to practice these:
Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can do this outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.
Activity 2 – Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.
Activity 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.
Activity 4 – Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.
Activity 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.
***NEW **** Studdyladder Literacy Activities
Login to your Studdyladder account to see what literacy activities have been set for you this week! Have fun!
You have 7 Literacy Activities you can try –
- letter focus activities
- CVC word focus activities
- ‘ut’ or ‘un’ ending activity
Well done to everyone who joined our Kahoot quiz on Friday! You all did so well! I will be hosting another spelling quiz on Thursday at 11am. Check out the Microsoft Teams chat for the ‘pin’. I look forward to seeing some of you there!
***If this is your first time joining us for the quiz please check the Phonics and Spelling section of my previous blog post for details on how to join.
Using the Oxford Owl website find the book “Big, Bad Bug”
Read the book with an adult and talk about what happened in the story. (Check the first page of the book for a parents guide).
A written ‘Reading to Write’ activity is attached if you wish to complete a follow up task using the book.
Click here for follow up task for An Odd Bug
Health & Wellbeing
Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
You could also try this 60 Second Challenge each day. How many socks can you pair up and throw into the box? Parents can join in too if they want to!
It is also important to keep your mind healthy. Here is an activity you can try.
Mental & Emotional Health – Faces & Feelings
Please watch the following clip –
Throughout this clip, read out the dialogue written on the screen during the sketch as though actually talking with Rodd. Encourage your child to participate and call out answers to Rodd where appropriate.
There is also an opportunity to pause the clip half way through for you to further discuss huffy behaviour, and what could be a better alternative.
You and your child could explore facial expressions that convey different emotions.
You could even write down lots of different emotions, and all of these could be put into a bag. Your child could then choose a feeling from the bag and, keeping it a secret, draw a face or make a face to represent this feeling.
You could try to guess what feeling they are showing. Have fun!
Minibeast Topic
Activity 1 – Use the ‘What am I?’ cards to describe each minibeast and see if an adult or sibling can guess what you are describing. You could also play ‘Pairs’ with the cards by placing them all face down and taking turns turning the cards over and matching the description.
Click here for Minibeast Description Cards Matching Activity
Activity 2 – Take a closer look at some minibeasts and sort them according to their features. For example, legs/no legs, wings/no wings…
Click here for Minibeast Sorting activity
Collect pebbles from your garden or on a walk. Use pens or paint to make them look like different bugs!
As always, I would love to see any pictures of these activities or any other activities you have been doing, through our Microsoft Team page or on Twitter.
Mrs Bamford