Hello P1b
Hope you are all safe and well and hope you managed to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine last week.
Did you managed to see some of the Ladywell Pets on the new glow page set up last week? Some little cuties on there, would love to see more of your pets on the page.
Below are ideas for home learning this week. (Please remember that again, these are only ideas and you don’t need to do them all)
Continue with the maths grid attached last week (20.4.20) – send any pictures of you completing any activities through our Microsoft teams page or on twitter.
Lovely to see lots of you having a go at the Studyladder activities. Well done and if you have completed the activities I have sent you a little message so login to studyladder to check your message out.
If you require your Studyladder login details then please email me on
and I can get these to you.
To access the studyladder activities set please go to – www.studyladder.com
login and click ‘my individual programme’ you have 8 new tasks set for the week and these will be updated weekly. This week activities on Studyladder are:
3 for Shape
5 for Numbers to 20
- Also try to have a go at counting up and down in 2s, 5s and 10s
- Chilli challenge – see if you can go all the way to 100 and even beyond!
Phonics & Spelling
This week the sounds are :
r m d e c k
This week the common words are :
am me my did as he can we into
Below are some activities that you can do to practice these:
Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can do this outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.
Activity 2 – Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.
Activity 3 – Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.
Activity 4 – Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.
Activity 5 – Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.
On Friday at 11am we will be hosting a Primary 1 CVC words quiz using the app Kahoot! To join us, download the app on a tablet or phone before Friday. On Friday we will post the ‘pin’ for the quiz in our Microsoft team so that it only includes Ladywell Primary 1 children. The ‘pin’ will be posted at 10.50am. Type the ‘pin’ in to the Kahoot! App and at 11am it will start. We look forward to seeing some of you there!
I would love to see any pictures of these activities or any other activities you have been doing to practice, again through our Microsoft Team page or on twitter.
Using the Oxford Owl website* find the book “Big, Bad Bug”
*Details on how to log in are on last week’s post.
When you access the book you can read the story and complete the online activities linked to the story.
You may also complete the written activity attached if you wish.
Click here for follow up task for Big, Bad Bug
Health & Wellbeing
Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
You could also try this 60 Second Challenge each day. Record how many speed bounces you can do in 60 seconds and see if you can do more than the day before. Parents can join in too if they want to!
Minibeast Topic
Activity 1 -Learn about some different bugs you may find in your garden using the What am I? Interactive Powerpoint game attached below.
You can draw some pictures of the minibeasts or if you have access to a printer, you can have a look at the matching activity attached below.
Click here for Minibeast What am I Powerpoint
Click here for Minibeast Labelling Task
Activity 2 – If you are able to get out into a garden you could make a simple minibeast hotel with resources you may have lying around the garden like rocks, twigs, grass, soil, plants etc.
Click here for Make Your Own Minibeast Hotel Outdoor Activity
Have a go at some of the pictures by Rob Biddulph. They are lots of fun! Send us your pictures of your drawings please!
Here is his website, and once you are on the website you can follow the link to his youtube channel. He has lots of cool things you can learn to draw.
Have a great week everyone!
Mrs Bamford