Overtown Primary School

August 27, 2015
by Miss Potts
1 Comment

Measure Measure Measure!

P6 have been practicing their measure and estimation skills this week. We have also been measuring each other in order to create some paper skeletons and having a great time too!

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August 19, 2015
by Miss Potts
1 Comment

Back to school!

P6 enjoyed their first day back at school. We were busy working in teams building spaghetti and marshmallow towers.

We have now sorted into our Harry Potter groups.  I wonder which house will gain the most points by the end of term?

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Good luck everyone.


June 19, 2015
by User deactivated

The Battle of Waterloo Bi-Centenary Competition

Four pupils in P7/6 were awarded a certificate in this competition – three were certificates of participation and one was a winner’s certificate in the P4-7 category.  Presentation to the winner will be held on Sunday in Waterloo Memorial Hall at 3pm.  Well done to all who took part – super achievement!  Be proud!!!


June 19, 2015
by User deactivated

Sports Day

Today P7/6 and P6/5 held their ‘sports day’ events in the gym hall (yet again the weather defeated us – good old British Summer!).  It was a tight squeeze but the children were very well behaved and well organised resulting in a very eventful competition.  All children did their very best for their house and they cannot wait for the winning house to be revealed at the End of Term Service!! All have their fingers crossed!!

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June 19, 2015
by User deactivated

P7 Treat – Bowling

The P7 pupils have been behaving exceptionally well this term so that they could collect enough ‘stickers’ for the P7 end of term treat!  Some pupils found this a real challenge!!!  However on the day all members of P7 were delighted to learn that they were going to M & Ds for bowling followed by lunch at McDonalds.  Mrs Cleneghan and Mrs Muir accompanied them – everyone had a ball!  Many of the children scored a ‘strike’ – unfortunately the staff did not!!


These are our ‘striking’ children!!

The children said –

“Awesome fun” – Millie

“A tense time” – Alex

“A great day out with all my P7 pals, I’m sure we all enjoyed it!” – Ethan

“Great that everyone could attend – a fun day with people we are not often out with” – Chloe

“Great last school trip in primary’ – Lily

“It was a good day – even if you came last!!!” – Arron

“It was exciting especially if you got a strike” – Fleur

“A good day out with lots of enthusiasm” – Rhys

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June 12, 2015
by User deactivated

Overtown Musicians

Well done to the musicians of P6 and P7 – your performances were spectacular and showed how hard you have worked.  We hope that you have inspired some P5 children to audition for instrument tuition next year.

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June 12, 2015
by User deactivated
1 Comment

End of term discos

Last night the Parents Council ran our last two discos of this session.  All the children who attended had a ball as you can see from our photos.  Happy holidays everyone!

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June 12, 2015
by User deactivated

Public Speaking Competition

After a close run internal competition between Matthew, Zoe and Alexandra our representative for the CVHS Primary Public Speaking Competition was chosen.  On the night our winner spoke very well and confidently to secure first place – we were all ecstatic!!!  Many of the P7 and P6 children came along as support and, as usual, were extremely well behaved.  All represented the school admirably and our congratulations go to the extremely talented young lady who deservedly won the competition.  We are all very proud of her achievement!!!

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June 12, 2015
by User deactivated

Wear Yellow Walk

P7 children recently went on the ‘Wear Yellow Walk’ to raise funds for St Andrew’s Hospice.  Despite a very wet start to the walk, eventually the sun came out and we all had a great time.  After lunch the children enjoyed the entertainment at the stage area and their dancing earned them a ‘shout out’ from the DJ.  We raised over £600 – well done to everyone who sponsored us!!!

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June 10, 2015
by User deactivated

Overtown Musicians

The Primary 6 and 7 musicians performed today for the school.  They were accompanied by Mrs Smith and they played brilliantly.  The Primary 6 musicians played Old MacDonald’s Farm and Skip It Lou (or as we might know it better,  Skip to My Lou)  The Primary 7 played Spongebob Squarepants and The Proclaimers 500 miles, with a little help from the audience.  Everyone loved their performances judging by the huge rounds of applause, well done the Overtown Musicians!

P7 Spongebob Squarepants

P6 Old MacDonald

P6 Skip to My Lou

P7 500miles

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