Overtown Primary School


The Eco team are delighted to be back in action after the summer holidays. Our Eco Committee members work with Miss Potts and also link closely with the Health Committee for various joint events.

The Eco team have lots of exciting plans to ensure Overtown Primary School continues to be eco-friendly.  We are also trying to recycle old CDs, DVDs, Mobile Phones, ink cartridges and video games. Please keep these coming in!

In addition, we will continue to keep the school looking tidy by weeding the garden and painting the tired plant pots. We have already been offered a donation of plants, which we are extremely grateful for and look forward to planting them very soon. We are also going to have an Eco/paper free day and will make sure our work on the day is mainly digital in order to reduce our use of paper.

Eco will also be teaming up with the Health Committee once per term to help with the running of a breakfast club details to follow.

The Eco team continue to appreciate the donations of recyclable items listed above and gardening materials. If there are any other suggestions for our team we would love to hear them. Pupils in the school can also give us their ideas in the school suggestion box and at Citizenship assemblies.

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