Overtown Primary School

The Last Summer Service as Overtown Primary School


On Wednesday 22nd June we held our last ever service in the church as Overtown Primary School and what a jam packed and emotional service it was!

We reflected on our last year at Overtown Primary through an excellent video produced by the pupil council and shared some of our favourite memories of our wee school. Awards were presented to a Successful Learner, Effective Contributor, Confident Individual, Responsible Citizen and SHANARRI Star from each class. Zara Bell received the Christine Witcutt Memorial trophy – well done Zara! We said goodbye to our primary sevens and wished them all the best for their future. They were then presented with their high school ties from Mrs Smith, Chair of the parent council. We wished Mrs Forrest all the best for her retirement and presented her with flowers as a token of our appreciation for her hard work and dedication over the years. We sadly said goodbye to Miss Sommerville and thanked her for making our last eight months in Overtown Primary school AMAZING!

It was then time to look forward to our new school. Some of the children shared what they are looking forward to experiencing at Orchard Primary.





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