Building Resilience: Ways to help at home

Be Kind to Others

It is always lovely to be on the receiving end of thanks or a kind
act. But we know kindness benefits the giver as well as the
receiver. When we are kind, it strengthens our connections with
others. Sadly, when we are not treated kindly or are isolated
from others this can have a detrimental impact on our

Through this unit we will help the children recognise the
importance of being kind to themselves, as well as others. It’s
often particularly difficult to be kind to ourselves, yet, self-
compassion is associated with enhanced motivation, better
ability to cope with difficulties, greater wellbeing and reduced
anxiety and depression.

Skipper will teach the children about being a
‘bucket filler’. They will learn that everyone carries
an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts
and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel up
and when our buckets are empty, we feel down.
We can be bucket fillers or bucket dippers
through our actions, words and behaviour.

In this unit, we will be learning that:
• Kindness makes a difference to ourselves and others
• Being unkind hurts others, and it hurts us too
• It is important to be kind to ourselves

Be Kind to Others Parent and Carer Leaflet

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