NHS Lanarkshire: Updated Isolation Dates

Please see attached letter from NHS Lanarkshire, relating to isolation dates of identified close contacts.

Updated Isolation Dates Letter

All newly identified close contacts from Monday 14th December 2020 will be required to isolate for 10 days.

Additionally, close contacts who are currently isolating will be able to end their isolation early if 10 days has elapsed since the start of their self-isolation period.

Building Resilience: Keep Connected

As part of our school improvement plan, we will be learning about building resilience.

Resilience is a key factor in protecting and promoting good mental health. This whole-school programme aims to look at ten different things that can help support children to develop resilience.

The programme will run over a three-year period. A parent and carer information leaflet will be provided for each theme. We hope you find this useful in supporting your child at home.

Our focus at the moment is, keeping connected.

Keep Connected Parent Info

Message for New P1 Parents

Dear Parent,

First of all, thank you for your continued support and understanding during this difficult and challenging period. You will remember that our initial plan in June was to invite the children back into school in July to view their classroom environment. However, with the timing of the announcement of full time return to education and working through the new guidance, we have been unable to facilitate this.

I have issued some information today on our website (General Letters) about returning to school. A lot more information will follow. Specific information for P1’s first day will be sent over the next few days. Please keep an eye on Twitter for updates.

Looking forward to welcoming everyone next week.

Mr Murray

Head Teacher

School Recovery Plans – June 2020

Please see links to a letter from Derek Brown, Executive Director of Education and Families, and Frank McNally, Convener of Education.

There is also a frequently asked questions document also.

Please keep an eye on North Lanarkshire Council’s social media over the holiday period.

School will reopen for staff on 11th August and for pupils, 12th August.

Mr Murray

Head Teacher




Distance Learning Activities Wc 30th March 2020

Our distance learning activities have been updated for the week ahead. All resources will be posted on your child’s Microsoft Teams. As always, if you are experiencing any sort of difficulty, please email enquiries@noble.n-lanark.sch.uk 

Click on your child’s class below:

P1a Distance Learning Grid 300320

P1b Distance Learning 30th of March

P2 Distance Learning Grid wk beg 30.3.20

P3.2 Distance Learning 30th of March

P4.3 Distance Learning 300320

P4 Distance Learning Grid 300320

P5.4 Distance Learning 30th of March

P5 Distance Learning 30th of March

P6a Distance Learning Grid wc 30.3.2020

P6B Distance Learning Grid 300320

P7 Distance Learning Grid 300320


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