Welcome back- revised arrangements



We are looking forward to welcoming everyone on Wednesday. Please find attached, a newsletter outlining arrangements for the first few weeks of term.

Please note that this letter has been revised to update information about breakfast. P1-3 do receive a free breakfast.

If there are questions or comments about our arrangements, please make them on here rather than on FB. The school can then try to answer your question.


Here are some answers to the discussion on FB

Do not worry about grey or black for trousers or uniform, likewise about grey or blue jumpers. Apologies for any mix ups.

The function of the Rainbow has changed. As stated in the letter, Mrs McMahon will communicate with families as necessary. On Wednesday, all children, unless directed otherwise,  will line up with their own class.

The rewire will take a total of 40 weeks to complete (already stated on letter).


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