Welcome back after your long weekend! Has it is a short week I haven’t posted as many tasks in Teams as usual but please check them out and try to complete as many as you can.
I have posted a little topic about rainbows for this week and next. Have a look at the post below this one.
All around us people are placing rainbows in their windows. Perhaps you have put one up. Rainbows are associated with hope and happiness. Fr Kenny and Fr Rooney asked for families to send some rainbows to help decorate the church for Easter Sunday.
We are going to do a short topic on rainbows. We will look at some of the religious stories and some of the mythical stories. We will have the opportunity to understand the science behind rainbows and if possible make our own rainbow at home!
You will be using your literacy, science, problem-solving, creative and ICT skills.
You will be able to show your work via our team area. Please remember to click on the link in the Teams Post! You can take photos of your work and upload it to this area.
I have included some science, reading, myths and RE. Please have a look at the different activities and choose to do at least two! This is a 4 day week for children so I suggest the tasks here are for this and next week!
Do you remember the lady from the healthy eating videos who sounded like she was on a sugar rush? Click on the link below to listen to her explanation behind the science of rainbows.
5 Ways to Make a Rainbow using everyday items we have at home.
RE and Myths
Before science was able to explain how rainbows formed people came up with their own ideas and stories about them.
We know the story about Noah saving the animals but did you know in the Old Testament Rainbows were seen as messages from God. Rainbows signify hope and joy. If you want to you can look up and read the story of Noah in your children’s Bible. In Norse mythology a rainbow was a bridge that the God’s could use to visit earth. In Greek mythology the same idea a path linking heaven and earth. The other story about rainbows we are familiar with comes from Ireland. Here is a version of the story for you to read/listen to.
Hello Moonbeams. I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and had a chance to play in the sunshine. This week you have a reading task, handwriting to try and some spelling. You should also do Topmarks number sequencing – the caterpillar game. You should be counting up to 100.
Make sure you check out the rainbow post it has lots of tasks you can do.
Primary 4 good news Friday is a holiday! The usual bank holiday Monday was moved to Friday for a special reason. This Friday is the 75th Anniversary marks the end of the fighting in Europe during the second world war. Unfortunately the world war didn’t end in the Far East and we had to wait until August 1945 for the complete end of world war 2.
However it was a great day in Europe and people celebrated all over Europe. You will see lots of news about it on the television. Celebrations have had to be changed because of lock down but you can still join in the celebrations.
I am attaching a powerpoint which will give you more information about this important time. I have also attached a paper plane technology task and some colouring sheets.
At the end of the war there were a lot of street parties. Perhaps you could have a picnic over the long weekend.
Primary 4 here is a lovely link to the Diocese of Motherwell children’s liturgy. You may be following Mass online from St Joseph’s but be missing your liturgy input. This is a lovely way to keep up to date with your religious education in preparation for your Holy Communion.
Welcome to our first week in the month of May. Please read through this post with mum and dad. I won’t be available to answer any questions in the chat today because I am working in the Hub.
Teams Area
I am pleased to see so many of you know using Teams. If you have still to join please click here:
You will be asked to enter your username. This is the gw..email address you used to login into Glow.
You will have a General area for sharing information, areas called channels, this a Microsoft term for folders, one for silly things and one on science clips and activities.
You will also have an assignment area. Follow the instructions for your group. I have attached assignments for the Rainbow and Sunshine groups for literacy tasks. Numeracy tasks will have your group name, Square or Triangle. When you complete the tasks post in the assignment area.
Please try to complete these tasks for Friday. All the tasks use skills and knowledge we covered in class before lock-down. You are getting the opportunity to consolidate and apply these skills at home.
Grid Tasks
An email giving examples of optional tasks to try at home was sent to your parents.
RE/Art Tasks
I will post some RE tasks for you to investigate after this post. There will be some video clips, power points for reading for information, an art activity and some suggestions for creating a special prayerful space.
For this week I will continue to post your tasks on Glow.
Planning your week
I have attached a blank timetable for you to use. Talk to mum and dad about when you can do some activities. Make sure you are giving yourself breaks from the screen, plan activities you can do without parental support and remember we learn in lots of ways not always from worksheets.