Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Parents and Pupils Primary 5 8th March


This is our last week of online learning! We will all be back together in school next Monday. It will be good to see everyone again and get back to our normal routine. Your literacy and numeracy tasks are on Teams as normal and  most your IDL/RE tasks are here at the end of this post. I have put the Spanish and Scottish comparing cards on Teams. This week I have only posted green tasks and blue challenge tasks. I want everyone to complete their green tasks this week.

I have attached the PowerPoints and video clips to help with the fraction tasks. This week we are skipping a chapter in our novel and moving from chapter 5 to chapter 7. Remember I told you what happened in chapter 6 at Friday’s catch up.


I have added an extra table to the planning list this week – HWB. Have a look at some of the suggested activities. I want you to make the most of this last week together working as a family. You might choose to play a board game together, work together to tidy the garden, go on an adventure walk or chill watching a favourite movie.

Go on a discovery walk. Here are some ideas.

Ideas for a discovery walk



You could also make up a story using the objects you collect, things or people you see…just let your imagination take you for a walk!

I have attached some Lego ideas for you to try or you might prefer to do some baking or artwork.

lego choice grid (2)

Get Ready for coming back to school!

Find your school bag!

Put your jotters, novel and workbook in your school bag. We will need them for school.

Find your pencil case and give it a clear out ready to return to school – put it in your bag.

Look out your PE kit and school uniform. REMEMBER  we will have the door open for ventilation so you will need a jumper or cardigan. Don’t buy a new school jumper when we only have a few weeks of the cold weather – it doesn’t need to be a school jumper. This is very important as it will be open all the time as their will be two adults in the classroom. Do you remember I told you we were having a student teacher join us for the term? Well Miss Weir will be joining us for several weeks and it will be her first day on Monday 15th March.

The Primary 1 to 3 children are all back in school and doing well, playing, talking and learning. See you soon. I will have my online group lessons/meetings as normal this week. Monday 1.30pm for everyone, Tuesday 11.30 Cookie/Circle Groups, Wednesday 11.30 Squares/Triangles, Thursday 11am Cookie Group and at 11.30 Squares/Triangles and finally everyone at 11.30 on Friday!

Weekly Planner

Planner 8th March


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