Dear Parents, Guardians and children,
Welcome to school. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas break. School for everyone starts today. We are in a good place to take this forward. We used Teams and Glow during the last lockdown. The homework set over the last term had many online links and when you completed these tasks, such as logging on to Oxford Reading, you were preparing for this type of learning. Below this post are three others with information for your parents or the adult supervising. Please ask them to read them when they can.
Here is a suggested timetable for week beg. 11th January 2021.
I will upload curricular tasks throughout the day on Teams. If your child has completed all set tasks, you may wish to direct them to the NL Virtual Classroom. I understand Mr McCloskey sent this information to you via email. This week I ask that you check your child can ask the virtual classroom and allow them to explore the different areas. There are also additional learning resources available via the BBC. I attached a timetable to a previous post.
Day/Time | 9.00-10.00 | 10.00-10.30 | 10.30-11.30 | 11.30-12.00 | 12.00-1.00 | 1.00-2.00 | 2.00-3.00 |
Monday | Registration/General task
Daily Numeracy Tasks |
Break from online – read a book | HWB-Literacy Task online | PE with Joe Wicks | Lunch | RE – Literacy Online learning | Log on to NL Virtual Classroom and explore |
Tuesday | Registration/General task
Daily Numeracy Tasks |
Spelling task – no computer use. | Literacy Online learning | PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside | Lunch | Science Online learning | Log on to NL Virtual Classroom and explore |
Wednesday | Registration/General task
Daily Numeracy Tasks |
Spelling task – no computer use. | Literacy Online learning | PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside | Lunch | Science Online learning | BBC Learning Channel |
Thursday | Registration/General task
Daily Numeracy Tasks |
Spelling task – no computer use. | Literacy Online learning | PE – with Joe Wicks or play outside | Lunch | Science Online learning | BBC Learning Channel |
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