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Make a Time Capsule


Time Capsule

Make a time capsule with that tells your story of Covid-19 lockdown.

The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic will go down in the history books, but a time capsule will teach future generations all about what lockdown was really like.

As well as being a great craft to keep busy, creating a COVID-19 time capsule will be a great way for you, or others to remember this historic time in years to come.

As much as everyone keeps saying it, these really are unprecedented times that no one alive today has ever experienced before. In the future, children in schools will be learning about social distancing, lockdown and the coronavirus in their history classes. So why not make a piece of history with your family by creating a Covid-19 time capsule?

What is a Time Capsule?

Time capsules are containers of some kind which hold a selection of objects, picked because they have a special meaning in the time that we’re living in.

For example, time capsules have been found from as early as 1874 in the UK with photographs and letters, describing daily events happening that year. Often time capsules are buried underground, beneath floorboards or stone slabs. In 2015 one was buried under the Millennium Dome in London to be opened in 2050.

With the coronavirus pandemic, we are all living through an important moment in history. Many people want to help future generations learn about this time using time capsules, full of things that show what life under lockdown was like.

COVID 19 time capsules are an easy project to get involved with, plus they’re totally unique to every person. Down load my worksheet with tips of how to make one.

How to create atime capsule



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