Welcome back to school and term 4 in Primary 4. I will upload tasks for you to try to complete this week here. Today’s key task is planning your week. Look at all the activities posted and decide which ones you wish to do. Talk to mum and dad about planning your day. Make sure you are not sitting on a computer or Ipad all day. Remember you need to take regular breaks from a screen. Decide which activities you need to use the TV, perhaps YouTube activities, ones you can do on your own, practical tasks requiring adult support etc… Your mum and dad also have the First Level Grid emailed to them this week with a list of suggestions so there is a LOT to choose from. I would like it if you tried to do two maths/numeracy tasks, two literacy tasks, two reading tasks, a practical or HWB/RE task over the week. Remember exercise every day.
I have also created a Teams area for our class. Please use this link to go and explore. Over the next few weeks you will be able to post photos and your answers to assignments.
Use the attached timetable to plan your week.
Scroll down for my Team news, literacy, numeracy and HWB/RE tasks for the week
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