Ms Hutchison's Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

November 14, 2022
by User deactivated

Christmas Show Tunes

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Your child received a copy of the words for homework, week beginning 14th November.

Please ask your child to spend some time singing along to the tunes below.

Hosanna Rock (Beginning)

Something Extra Special (Sung by Primary 5 only)

For Unto Us (Sung by Primary 5 only)

Hosanna Rock (End of Show)


June 24, 2021
by User deactivated

Goodbye and Good Wishes

Dear Parents and children,

Have a great Summer. You have all worked so hard this session. I shall miss you.

Here is link to the North Lanarkshire Summer Concert online performance. Our children appear in the middle one.

I hope when restrictions ease I will see many of you again.

Best Wishes

Ms Hutchison

May 24, 2021
by User deactivated

Homework Week beg. 24th May

Dear parents and pupils,


All the children have a grammar worksheet to complete.

All have a number puzzle sheet to complete.

This work needs to be completed and returned by Thursday. Each sheet should take a max. of 15 minutes to complete.

Now for the secret message! Miss Weir finishes this Thursday. Why not make her a card to say good-bye! Remember keep it hush hush until Thursday!


May 17, 2021
by User deactivated

Week beg. 17th May Homework

Dear Parents and children,

The homework for this week and next is set by Miss Weir. Let’s show her we can do our homework.

Whole Class – Japan

This is an optional task. You have two weeks to complete. Please remember we finish a week on Thursday 27th May.

Choose a famous landmark or person from Japan to research. Or you might decide to research an area of Japanese culture discussed in the class.

You can choose how you want to present this information either a poster or a PowerPoint. Please send PowerPoints via Teams or email to Ms Hutchison. You can bring the poster to school.

You will be presenting your information to the rest of the class on Thursday 27th May.


Spelling Task for Lollipops, Candy and Cookie Groups – Due by Friday 21st May

Here are your spelling words for the week:
















Choose the strategy that suits your type of learning. Rainbow writing, say cover, write and check or perhaps writing the word backwards.

Choose 3 of the words to write your own sentences. Either bring them into school for Friday or upload to the Teams area.

Nessy Group – Please focus on the first 8 words only. (screamed to television)

Moonbeams – Your words for this week are

people another which school

Choose the strategy that suits your type of learning. Rainbow writing, say cover, write and check or perhaps writing the word backwards.

Mathematics – Directions

Your child was given a worksheet on Monday. Time was taken to explain the task. The children have been working on this concept in class. Please return completed worksheet on Friday 21st May.


May 10, 2021
by User deactivated

Preparing for First Holy Communion

Dear Parents,

The children have some helpful worksheets in their bag for homework this week.  It comes from the workbook completed before Christmas. Please take some time this week to complete the short activity.

The children will also have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday to help prepare for Saturday.

It will be a wonderful day for the children and I hope you enjoy celebrating the day with them. Everyone remembers their First Holy Communion and I hope the children will look back on this day with fondness. It will be a busy day with families and I may not manage to talk with you on the day so let me take this opportunity to wish you all great joy on this special occasion for your child.

Ms Hutchison

April 23, 2021
by User deactivated

Week beg. 26th April

Dear parents and pupils,

I have attached this week’s homework to this post.

Some of the pupils tell me they forgot to mention they had homework last week! |If you are presenting your child for First Holy Communion would you please focus on this for homework. I am keeping the homework short and sharp so the children can take advantage of the good weather. They have a daily 15 minutes task to do and a reading challenge of 15 minutes to complete as part of their wind-down/bedtime routine. I am encouraging the children to switch off electronic devices of any kind  an hour before bedtime.

RE -First Holy Communion

Mass Responses – Last week the children had a 3.20 minute video to watch and practise the Mass responses for the introduction of Mass. If you didn’t get a chance to go over this section try to do so this week. The children have a Mass response sheet in their school bags, please use this over the coming weeks to help the children learn the responses.

The focus this week is the responses to the readings and the Gospel. The video section starts at 3.20 and ends at 6.00 minutes so again it is less than 3 minutes long. The children have their response sheet to help them.

Please try to attend or watch Mass from our own St Joseph’s Parish Church this week. This will help familiarise the children with the layout of the church as it has been over a year since some have attended.

Mathematics – Sumdog

I have uploaded new challenges for each group. Please try to log on at least twice this week for at least 15 minutes each time. The children have their login details in their bag.

Reading Challenge – Please encourage your child to spend at least 15 minutes reading their own choice of novel every evening. I have suggested this be a before going to bed activity to enable the children to rest their eyes from electronic devices.


April 19, 2021
by User deactivated

Welcome back Primary 5

Welcome back Primary 5 to our final term.

This post contains the links needed for this week’s homework tasks.


RE – Understanding the parts of the Mass.

Please watch the video clip below. Focus on the first part 3.20 mins long. It explains the Mass responses. After watching this please go to the next link and watch this part of the Mass from St Joseph’s. Please focus on the entrance and introductory part of the Mass for this week.

Here is the link for Mass at St Joseph’s

CatholicG33 – YouTube


Read your own novel for 15 minutes every night.


Try this new website maths is fun. The link below takes you to interactive maths word problems. Try to do this twice this week for 15 minutes.

HWB – Good Habits

Get in to the routine for school. Prepare your school bag the night before, try and choose a healthy snack, enjoy the good weather and play outdoors and aim to have no computer, I-pad etc for at least an hour before bed  to help you sleep better.

March 29, 2021
by User deactivated

29th March Homework Primary 5

Mr McCloskey has asked that the children start homework this week. Our focus in class this week is Holy Week. Holy Week and Easter are the most important time in the church’s calendar. We remember the final days of Jesus’ earthly life: entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and Good Friday, followed by the great celebration of Easter Day. I have attached some different activities for you to choose from. I have attached a short video explaining what the children will learn about Holy Week and what they would see at church.

Below are some activities you may choose to do with your child. Please try to complete one.

Outdoors (if you have a garden or safe space):

One way to think about Holy Week and Easter is to create an Easter garden. Find a space in your garden, or a basket or container. You can use sticks or twigs to make the cross, and a small plant pot to create the tomb. Find a prayer to say at your Easter garden on the children’s prayer page.


Decorate an egg and roll it down a hill on Easter Sunday to symbolise the stone being rolled away from the tomb.


CAFOD Stations of the cross activity – Jesus rises from the dead

Create your own pattern

Easter egg templates

Colour a picture of the Last Supper

Maundy Thursday


March 8, 2021
by User deactivated

Parents and Pupils Primary 5 8th March

This is our last week of online learning! We will all be back together in school next Monday. It will be good to see everyone again and get back to our normal routine. Your literacy and numeracy tasks are on Teams as normal and  most your IDL/RE tasks are here at the end of this post. I have put the Spanish and Scottish comparing cards on Teams. This week I have only posted green tasks and blue challenge tasks. I want everyone to complete their green tasks this week.

I have attached the PowerPoints and video clips to help with the fraction tasks. This week we are skipping a chapter in our novel and moving from chapter 5 to chapter 7. Remember I told you what happened in chapter 6 at Friday’s catch up.


I have added an extra table to the planning list this week – HWB. Have a look at some of the suggested activities. I want you to make the most of this last week together working as a family. You might choose to play a board game together, work together to tidy the garden, go on an adventure walk or chill watching a favourite movie.

Go on a discovery walk. Here are some ideas.

Ideas for a discovery walk

Discovery walks – fun outdoor learning ideas



You could also make up a story using the objects you collect, things or people you see…just let your imagination take you for a walk!

I have attached some Lego ideas for you to try or you might prefer to do some baking or artwork.

lego choice grid (2)

Get Ready for coming back to school!

Find your school bag!

Put your jotters, novel and workbook in your school bag. We will need them for school.

Find your pencil case and give it a clear out ready to return to school – put it in your bag.

Look out your PE kit and school uniform. REMEMBER  we will have the door open for ventilation so you will need a jumper or cardigan. Don’t buy a new school jumper when we only have a few weeks of the cold weather – it doesn’t need to be a school jumper. This is very important as it will be open all the time as their will be two adults in the classroom. Do you remember I told you we were having a student teacher join us for the term? Well Miss Weir will be joining us for several weeks and it will be her first day on Monday 15th March.

The Primary 1 to 3 children are all back in school and doing well, playing, talking and learning. See you soon. I will have my online group lessons/meetings as normal this week. Monday 1.30pm for everyone, Tuesday 11.30 Cookie/Circle Groups, Wednesday 11.30 Squares/Triangles, Thursday 11am Cookie Group and at 11.30 Squares/Triangles and finally everyone at 11.30 on Friday!

Weekly Planner

Planner 8th March

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