Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

March 4, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Friday Catch Up

Remember we have a catch up at 11am this morning. Mrs. Cowie is hoping to be able to join us.

If you are a star writer could you bring your work to read to her please. Also have a look at the blether station task below and be prepared to discuss these at our catch up.

Can you make sure you have joined the transition team Mrs Cowie has set up for you. Your parents would have got a communication yesterday with a joining code on it.

You will be sent 2 lessons per week by some of your new high school teachers and they will correct them work once you submit it back on the teams page. The first 2 lessons will be from PE and Home Economics departments.

March 4, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

RME Lent

Just a reminder that volunteers are still needed for the Lenten service next week. We have 3 children so far. Send us an email if you would be happy to volunteer.

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