Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

June 10, 2020
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Just a reminder…

Just a reminder to check out the school Twitter page today, there are lots and lots of short videos of professional people talking about their work and the role that STEM plays.

June 9, 2020
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

P.E. for Wednesday

To give some familiar yoga poses a go, click on the power point below.


For John Collins Ball Mastery Part 2, click on the link below.

To think about two well-known dance routines, try the images below.

Hopefully I’ve given you a few ideas of interest to you but remember there’s lots I’m sure you can do with your imagination out in the fresh air.

June 9, 2020
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

STEM Week – Engineering

  1. So the first area for your attention today are the ideas from the James Dyson Foundation, these have an engineering focus. Engineering Challenges for STEM week
  2. The second activity is to watch this short clip from Mr Minchin. You’ll remember we tried to make towers in class from spaghetti & marshmallows, well give it a go but with strong paper & tape.
  3. The final activity today is a design challenge set by Miss Clark, see the image below for more information. Have fun!

June 8, 2020
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Tuesday Maths – Thinking About Negative Numbers

So maths today has a focus on negative numbers, have a look at the bitesize clips and when working on the worksheet for Q2 & 3 visualise or draw out a number line if that helps. As usual, I’ll post the answers on Wednesday afternoon 😉

Find the Difference

Keep in mind that the Sumdog competition is still live, so give it a go if you can.

June 8, 2020
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

STEM for Tuesday – Technology

So our focus for today is technology and the activities are split into two areas.

  1. Have a think about stop motion animation. I’ve attached a link below that will give you guidance on how to create a stop motion movie.

For a bit of fun, I’ve included a few short clips that Mark & Adam made just using his mobile phone and pausing the recording to change the position.

2. The second activity today relates to wearable technology, the clip from Newsround is worth a watch and then have a go at the tasks on the worksheet.


3. Miss Clark has posted a third challenge for you to try today, check out the school Twitter feed for more details.


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