Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday Word of the Day

Welcome back Primary 7. I hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed some time in the snow.

This is a very short week so complete your tasks as best you can and remember to ask if you need help.
I am in class today but I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Word of the day for registration today is unbelievable.

Have a great day!

February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday Literacy- fake news

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day. It’s important when we are reading things online that we are aware  not everything is true. We need to be able to recognise fake news.

For your first task today you need to go to the virtual classroom. Remember the tile is now on your glow launch pad. We are using the violet classroom and I would like you to complete the first task in the white board entitled ‘Fake News’.


There are interactive links within the post which will help you complete the tasks.

Read through all the instructions first so you know what to do before you begin.




February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday Maths

Today we are looking at hire purchase.

This is when we can’t afford to pay the full amount for something so we leave a deposit and then make smaller payments every week or month.

Make sure you read the yellow instruction box before you begin.

I will post the answers this afternoon.

Please self assess your work and then send it in to me.




February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday RME

What a wonderful world we live in. Look at these photos below which are actually real snow flakes!

Can you find any facts about snowflakes and then design your own.



February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday Science investigation

Today’s science experiment involves different types of biscuit in a dunking activity. The instructions mention a soundtrack- this is entirely your choice of song!

I’m sure you’ll all enjoy this and be sure to send me your results.

I might try this one in the staff room at break time 😜

February 10, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Thursday Art

Today we are going to look at pieces of abstract art from a variety of artists. You could google these pieces to have a closer look and then try to replicate one of them or even all of them.I look forward to seeing your work. 🎨🖌

February 10, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Just to let you know…

Hi Primary 7, I hope you have all had the chance to have some fun in the snow the last couple of days.

Just to let you know that I’ll be emailing each one of you to remind you of your log in details for Studyladder as I plan on us accessing this for our learning next week. Mrs Gribben 😉

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