The progression framework aims to embed the learning of Digital Technology in engaging, creative contexts that expose children to the World Of Work, STEM careers and subjects whilst
linking naturally to relevant UN sustainability goals and the UNCRC rights; challenging
stereotypes, discrimination and exploring emotions.
The framework allows children to learn practically and progressively through play and
imagination as they explore the meta-skills and attributes required for a variety of jobs,
underpinned by the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence.
The pathway has been designed so that all children progress and succeed together, making use of various types of technology to collaborate, communicate and create. Concrete, pictorial and abstract
problem-solving challenges ensure all learners have challenge and enjoyment. This framework provides clear depth, breadth and coherence of learning in Digital Technology via a scaffolded play approach which ensures children experience.
It links directly to the standards for Career Education:
By end of Early Level: the pre-school years and P1, or later for some.
- I can communicate with people about the different jobs they do in my community.
- I can discuss some of the rewards that a job brings.
- I believe I can do any job.
- I can role play different job roles.
- I can follow rules and routines and explain why they are important.
- I can talk about my learning, my strengths and my next steps.
- I can develop ideas and take part in projects to make things.
By end of First Level: to the end of P4, but earlier or later for some.
- I can describe different jobs in my community and some of the skills needed for these.
- I can learn about the world of work from visits, projects and my experiences.
- I can talk to employers about myself and about their workplace.
- I can recognise that there are different ways to get a job.
- I can talk about the types of jobs that interest me.
- I believe I can succeed in any area of work.
- I can talk about my strengths, interests and skills and show evidence of my progress.
- I can set goals and work towards achieving them.
- I can adopt different roles when running a business.
By end of Second Level: to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.
- I can discuss the relevance of skills to the wider world and make connections between skills and the world of work.
- I can explain to others my ambitions/what I would like to do and look for ways to achieve them/that.
- I can recognise the skills I have and need for work.
- I can apply my skills to get more information about jobs/careers.
- I can use online tools available to me.
- I own and can manage my profile and can use it to help me discuss my interests, strengths and skills with my parents/carers and others.
- I can identify people in my network who help me broaden my horizons.
- I believe I can maximise my potential in any type of work.