Category Archives: Birth to Three

Tools, Ladders and Learning at Richard Stewart Nursery

While engaged with these tools and ladders our children were learning to explore different materials through creative play (SCN 0-15a) and share their reasoning for selecting materials for different purposes.

Children as young as two years, working alongside older children, learned through exploring and experimention with a range of tools and materials. Children brought prior knoweldge to the experience(s) with some demonstrating how to use tools such as screwdrivers. Some children were predicting and evaluating what materials stuck together their reasoning although others were just keen to experiment with the hammer and nails.
Whilst using the water to paint children also were learning about exploring different materials for example using sponges, brushes etc to paint with water.
As well as planned learning children also made calculated risk assessments and developed their awareness of safety as they talked about using goggles, using tools safely and appropriate ratios for the woodwork bench and ladders.
The children dicussed “steadying” the ladders and ensuring they were on a flat surface. They also offered good support to their peers and co-operated well. Their ability to problem solve was developed as was their creativity.
The tools and tool belts are available from TTS and the ladders from Cosy.

Our NLC Early Years Outdoor Champions

This is the list of all our Outdoor CHampions in North Lanrkshire. They have all agreed and are eager to share their practice and support their colleagues in developing outdoor play and learning.You can make contact and visit them for discussions and advice and to view their outdor areas.
Dunbeth Nursery Centre-Coatbridge
Our Lady and St Joseph’s Nursery Class- Glenboig
Cumbernauld College Nursery
St Timothy`s Nursery Class-Coatbridge
New Monkland Nursery Class-Glenmavis
Shotts Nursery Centre
Cambusnethan Nursery Class
Firtrees Nursery-Motherwell
Papillon Nursery-Eurocentral
Coatbridge College Nursery
Little Treasures Nursery-Cumbernauld
Richard Stewart Nursery Centre-Airdrie
Glencairn Nursery Class-Motherwell
Step by Step Nursery-Cumbernauld
Holytown Nursery Class
Clydeview Nursery Class-Motherwell


Please let us know about all your good practice in outdoor learning and play!
All you need to do is send some text describing your activities and some photos or illustrations about them.You may want to send some extacts from a floor book as well as photos.
Remember to send the photos as a separate attachment. we are aslo eager to hear about organisations or websites that can help us develop outdoor learning and play.

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Boys Will Be Boys Conference

The conference at Mindstretchers in  Crieff was great! Kate was informative and kept us hooked all day

The conference was based around the development of a boy’s brain and how a boy interacts with the world around them as they grow.

Firstly, as much as I hate to admit it a boy’s brain develops at a slower rate then girls, although boys usually catch up by the age of 5/6

 The different chemical levels released by the body , oestrogen (feminine qualities) and testosterone (masculine qualities)  affect how a child reacts to different situations and learning experiences. At 4 years old boys have approx 20 times the level of testosterone in their bodies than girl affecting how they learn and react to differing situations.

By using the information gathered from the conference it has helped to developed my skills as a practitioner in how I look at learning experiences and how I can include this information. It’s still looking at the child as an individual  but going to a deeper level.

The conference looks at building learning experiences around the Childs sex, more hands on  action based and small group activities for boys, girl on the other hand tend to enjoy larger social situations,. There is more to it but I would be writing an essay if I started.

 I know this sounds like gender stereotyping but for some children this will work (We know there is never a hard and fast rule when it comes to children)

Our hands on activities for children in the Forest Kindergarten setting have proven that a different type of environment can change a child’s behaviour. When in the woodland setting our most rough and ready boys are calmer, less aggressive and more eager to learn. Using this different learning style with them has allowed them to access the same educational information but in a different way, boy’s concentration levels increase with and after physical activity. From the picture you can see by using sticks/ stones and other tactile natural materials in the woodland setting our rough and ready boys are engaged as opposed to brightly coloured blocks in the nursery at a table where they would be bored instantly.

 Using the Leuven Wellbeing and Involvement scales clearly shows a difference in a boy’s involvement in activities from a classroom setting to a woodland environment.

Using simple strategies when working with boys in particular can really make a difference

*Reward appropriate risk taking

*Speak clearly and always repeat instructions

*Short sentences

* Allow work in progress to be left for boys to go back to

*Talk next to boys, not face to face as this can cause anxiety

Heres some recommended reading to go along with this

The Cleverness of Boys (Book) Sally Featherstone & Ross Bayley

Eric & Diane Jenson (Brain based learning)

Carla Hannaford Phd (Brain Gym)

Thanks again Marion, I really enjoyed this conference


Stephen Whyteside

St Timothys Primary School & Nursery Class

Old Monkland Road




Telephone 01236 757640