This Course will develop skills for learning, life and work, through context and application-led learning. Through real-life contexts, learners will acquire the ability to apply mathematical operational skills relevant to life and work. In addition, learners will develop mathematical reasoning skills and will gain experience in problem solving and in using mathematics to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.
Applications of Mathematics has three units and an Added Value Assessment.
Applications of Mathematics: Managing Finance and Statistics (National 4)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills that focus on the use of mathematical ideas and strategies that can be applied to managing finance and statistics in straightforward real-life contexts. This includes using skills in budgeting as well as skills in organising and presenting data, to explain solutions and/or draw conclusions. The Outcomes cover aspects of finance and statistics in real-life situations requiring mathematical reasoning.
Applications of Mathematics: Geometry and Measures (National 4)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills that focus on the use of mathematical ideas and strategies that can be applied to geometry and measurement in straightforward real-life contexts. This includes using skills in interpreting and in using shape, space and measures to determine and explain solutions. The Outcomes cover aspects of geometry and measurement in real-life situations requiring mathematical reasoning.
Numeracy (National 4)
The general aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ numerical and information handling skills to solve straightforward, real-life problems involving number, money, time and measurement. As learners tackle real-life problems, they will decide what numeracy skills to use and how to apply these skills to an appropriate level of accuracy. Learners will also interpret graphical data and use their knowledge and understanding of probability to identify solutions to straightforward real-life problems involving money, time and measurement. Learners will use their solutions to make and explain decisions.
Added Value Unit: Applications of Mathematics Test (National 4)
The general aim of this Unit is to enable the learner to provide evidence of added value for the National 4 Applications of Mathematics Course through successful completion of a test which will allow the learner to demonstrate breadth and application. Breadth and application will be demonstrated through the use of mathematical ideas and strategies that can be applied to organising and planning straightforward aspects in personal life, the workplace and the wider world. This will include the application and integration of financial, measurement, geometric and statistical skills in real-life contexts involving reasoning. Numerical skills underpin all aspects of the Unit and the ability to use these without the aid of a calculator will also be assessed.