Kilsyth Academy News – 11/11/16

We had a great evening with P6 and P7 pupils and parents, last week, at our annual transition event in Kilsyth Academy. There was an amazing turnout and, in particular, everyone found the tours to be very enjoyable. It was great to see so many people and there was a great buzz around the school. Many thanks to Kilsyth Academy staff and pupils who gave up their time to come along and help, to the Parent Council for looking after teas and coffees and to the Primary Head Teachers, for their support.

Our Parents’ Evening for S5/6 will take place on Tuesday 29th November, from 4.15 – 6.45 p.m. This is a really important event, prior to the prelims, in January. It is an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss any issues and to set targets for the months ahead, at this vital time. Supported Study is taking place at lunchtimes and after school, across a range of subjects, and S4, S5 and S6 pupils are encouraged to take full advantage of these opportunities.

Three pupils represented the school at the first meeting of the North Lanarkshire Pupil Council, held in Airdrie last week. Well done to Mark Donnelly, Eve McTiernan and Grant Douglas.

Throughout the last two weeks, pupils have been donating money to The Poppy Appeal, following presentations from members of S6, at assemblies. The collection has been a great success, this year, and culminated with the whole school marking the national silence, at 11.00 a.m., on 11th November.

Congratulations to Lucy Laggan, Katie McDowall, Aimee Paterson and Robyn Shaw, last session’s YPI Winners, who will receive the prestigious Diana Award, at a ceremony to be held in The Emirates Arena, next month. This is in recognition of the work that the girls did for Chris’s House and we are delighted that they will be recognised in this way.

Rehearsals are well underway for our Christmas pantomime, Cinderella, which will take place as part of the Christmas Concert, on the evening of Thursday 15th December. Tickets will be on sale soon, but please save the date, meantime.

Monday 21st November will be a staff in-service day and so the school will be closed to pupils.

Kilsyth Academy News – 04/11/16

The S1 Parents’ Meeting will take place on Tuesday 15th November, from 4.15 until 6.45 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet class teachers and Pupil Support staff, to discuss how the young people are settling in at Kilsyth Academy and to agree targets for the remainder of the session. In the meantime, pupils in S1 and s2 have been issued with tracking reports.

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P7 pupils from our cluster Primary schools enjoyed a very full morning of Science at Kilsyth Academy, delivered by our senior pupils. The senior pupils were mentored by Science staff, on the experiments that the primary pupils would be carrying out, over a period of time. Pupils completed a record book of the experiments they carried out, with seniors helping them to complete the questions. The day was very successful and enjoyed by all involved. A big thank you to everyone involved.

A group of S5 pupils spent a morning working with representatives from the University of Glasgow, as part of the Reach and Access programmes. This was the start of a series of workshops, designed to support pupils with entry to their chosen university courses.

Representatives of our peer mentor group attended the national ‘Children in Scotland’ conference, held at the Westerwood Hotel, last week. The group led a workshop on the ‘Mentors in Violence Prevention’ scheme, which was very well received by the professionals concerned, and the pupils received very positive feedback. Well done!

Natasha Riddel and Olivia Anderson participated in a meeting of the Rotary Club of Kilsyth, to give a presentation on their recent Challenge Enterprise experience, which was funded by the club. The girls provided an excellent insight to their experience and entertained the members. Well done!

Monday 21st November will be a staff in-service day and so the school will be closed to pupils.


Kilsyth Academy News – 28/10/16

On Monday 7th November, we look forward to welcoming the parents of pupils in Primary 6 and Primary 7, at our Information Evening. The event will begin at 7.00 p.m., with presentations from staff and senior pupils and then there will be an opportunity to tour the school and find out about the work in each department. The evening will finish with an opportunity to have tea and coffee and chat informally to staff and members of the Parent Council. We look forward to a good turnout of parents and children are also welcome, if accompanied by a parent.


Congratulations to our team of S2 pupils, who entered the West of Scotland heat of the Kids’ Lit Quiz. Iona Gilchrist, Dylan Grant, Rhiannon Neil and Morgan Waite spent a very enjoyable and exciting day at Our Lady’s High School, answering a wide range of questions on young people’s literature. During the quiz, the team had top scores in 3 of the 10 rounds. In the end, they were placed 6th out of the 31 schools taking part and were the top school in North Lanarkshire.  Well done!

On Wednesday, our S2 and S3 girls had an opportunity to take part in an Active Girls Day, to coincide with similar events being organised by Sportscotland. The girls found the day to be physically challenging but, nevertheless, very enjoyable. During the morning, the girls attended a motivational workshop, led by Paula McGuire, and took part in dance, metafit and basketball sessions. The afternoon was spent doing team building activities. Many thanks to Mairi MacVicar, our Active Schools Coordinator, for organising the event.

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Last Thursday, Hallowe’en descended on Kilsyth Academy, in style. Pupils in S5 and S6, supported by some staff, organised a number of party activities, which were a lot of fun, and a ghost walk around parts of the school, that were more on the scary side! Nevertheless, the 1st year pupils involved had a great evening. These events were followed by a ‘scary movie’ night with pizza, for the seniors who had helped. Many thanks to everyone involved.

The Modern Languages department has recognised a number of pupils, at part of their ‘Linguist of the Term’ initiative. This is based on pupils’ performance in French, German or Spanish, from August until October. Congratulations to all! They are:

S1 – Josh Chambers, Sarah Bateman, Emma Thomas, Eilidh Brown, Dylan Haggerty, Katie Watkins, Katie Gordon and Elle McArthur.

S2 – Lewis Robertson, Luke Fyfe, Rhiannon Neil, Eilidh Stewart, Emma Roberts, Morgan Waite, Eve McTiernan and Dylan Grant

S3 – Jack Leslie, Paula Bell, Morgan Hendrie, Hannah McFarlane, Zoe Rutherford and Orla Duncan.                                          

S4 – Luke Shearer, Ailsa Stirling, Gemma Hunt, Amy Buck, Rebecca Love, Anne Glen and Louise Rennie.           

S5/6 – Rhona Boyle, Kira Lundy, Katie Allen, Ryan Meechan, Olivia McTiernan, Lauryn Robertson, Abbie Rankin and Claire McGinley.

The Parent Council will meet on Thursday 3rd November, at 7.00 p.m.

Kilsyth Academy News – 14/10/16

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Congratulations to Natasha Riddel and Olivia Anderson, on completing the Challenge Enterprise weekend, organised by the Rotary Club. The girls really enjoyed the experience and made a number of contacts. Sincere thanks to the Rotary Club of Kilsyth for sponsoring them.

Representatives from the Teenage Cancer Trust came into school last week, to speak to pupils in S2 about the work they do. This was a very informative session and the pupils were extremely attentive.

The first round of Pupil Council meetings have now taken place, with each year group meeting being chaired by a member of the Captaincy team. The outcomes of the various discussions will now be discussed with the Senior Management Team.

Friday was a non-uniform day and pupils raised £889 towards their charities, which have still to be confirmed by the Pupil Council. This is an excellent start to our annual fundraising efforts. Well done!

The S4 Achieve group, together with members of the S6 Leadership class and some members of staff, organised a Macmillan Coffee Morning, for staff, and raised £537. This included a raffle, organised by Elli Gregg and her team. Thanks to everyone who supported this worthy charity and congratulations to all those involved in the organisation.

Our first round of inter-House events took place last week. In the inter-House Rugby, Colzium won, Balmalloch and Dumbreck were in joint second place and Antonine were fourth. Colzium also won the inter-House Netball and the other three Houses tied in second place. Well done to Colzium and congratulations to Austin Muya, who was Player of the Tournament, in Rugby.

A number of pupils have taken part in the ‘Slosh Across North Lanarkshire’ initiative, to raise awareness of the 2017 Transplant Games, that will be coming to North Lanarkshire. Thanks to all those who participated and congratulations to Amy Jarvie, who organised it.

School re-opens on Monday 24th October, at 8.55 p.m.

Kilsyth Academy News – 07/10/16

S5/6 Tracking Reports have been issued and reply slips should be returned to period 1 teachers, by Wednesday 12th October.

Once again, Kilsyth Academy is assisting ‘Kilsyth Supporting Refugees’ and their partners at ‘Glasgow the Caring City’. Together, these organisations have shipments going to help refugees in Serbia, Northern Greece and Iraq in the near future, and have asked for our help to supply clothes and shoes. Clothes and shoes can handed in at the school Reception, between Tuesday 11th and Tuesday 25th October.

During Assembly this week, S2 pupils have been told about the opportunity to apply for the school’s annual Leadership Academy, to be held at Kilbowie, from 19th to 22nd May 2017. Pupils can collect detailed information from Mr Turnbull, in the Technical Base.

Friday 14th October will be a non-uniform day, with pupils aiming to raise funds for their three charities, soon to be confirmed by the Pupil Councils. Letters have been issued about this and pupils have been asked to pay £2, if they wish to participate.

The school will close for the October week, on Friday 14th October, at 2.55 p.m., and will re-open on Monday 24th October, at 8.55 a.m.

Kilsyth Academy News – 30/09/16

The Parent Council is hosting a Parent Workshop entitled ‘Is Your Child Safe On-Line?’. It will take place on Thursday 6th October, at 7.00 p.m. and will be led by a member of Police Scotland. We are hoping for a large turnout of parents to hear about this very important issue. During the evening, there will be a short AGM of the Parent Forum. This will also be the next meeting of the Parent Council.

S4 Tracking Reports have been issued, together with invitations to the S4 Parents’ Evening, on Tuesday 11th October, from 4.15 – 6.45 p.m. (not 4th October, as stated last week). This will be an opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss targets for the year ahead and jointly support pupils to achieve their potential.

Once again, we were successful in securing places on the Lessons from Auschwitz programme, organised by the Holocaust Education Trust. Last week, Karis Abercrombie and Iona Brownlie, accompanied by Mrs Dunn, spent a day in Poland, visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau, in preparation for taking forward a project, within the school. Everyone found the trip to be a very moving experience.

S1 pupils attended a theatre production and workshop, led by the Kickstart Theatre Group, aimed at reinforcing a Smoking Prevention culture, among young people.

Congratulations to six new prefects, who were appointed recently – Adam Boyd, Rhona Boyle, Evan McKillop, Allan McRae, Alanna Paton and Rebecca Stevenson.

Three of our S3 pupils, Alec Gentleman, Carly McLaughlin and Amy Wilson, represented Kilsyth Academy at the first day of this year’s Dragons’ Lair competition, which focuses on Enterprise activities. We wish them every success with their ambitious ideas.

Thanks to our two pipers, Kieran McCann and Luke Shearer, for participating in the opening of the new Greenfaulds High School, in Cumbernauld.

The school will close for the October week, on Friday 14th October, at 2.55 p.m., and will re-open on Monday 24th October, at 8.55 a.m. Friday 14th will also be a non-uniform day, to raise money for the pupils’ chosen charities.

Kilsyth Academy News – 16/09/16

We were delighted to welcome representatives from Scotrail, to provide careers advice to pupils in S4, S5 and S6. This was well received by the young people concerned, who felt that they learned a great deal from the experience.

A group of S3 girls enjoyed a great week at Firereach. This programme is operated by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and provides an insight into the importance of teamwork, challenge and self-belief.

Our sincere thanks go to Professor Kevin O’Gorman, from Heriot-Watt University, for all his work in supporting our senior pupils with personal statements, for entry to university in 2017. Our UCAS Information evening was well attended and provided a wealth of advice for both pupils and parents, regarding applications to Higher Education. Again, many thanks to Professor O’Gorman and to Michael Scott from the Student Award Agency Scotland.

Pupils and staff welcomed one of our new chaplains, Rev Jane Denniston, to S1/2 and S3/4 assemblies, last week. We are delighted that Jane is going to be leading some of our religious observance opportunities, in addition to working with RME classes.

All classes are in the process of voting for class representatives on the Pupil Council. Archie Grant, one of our Vice Captains, is coordinating our Pupil Councils this session, as part of his SQA Leadership Award, and meetings will take place over the next couple of weeks.

We wish our S4 pupils very success as they embark on work experience placements, over the next few weeks. In turn, we are indebted to local employers, and some a bit further afield, who have agreed to provide these opportunities to our young people.

On Monday 6th March 2017, we propose holding a Careers Fair within the school, during the early evening. This will be an opportunity for pupils and parents to visit a variety of stalls and learn more about post-school pathways. It will also coincide with the time when many pupils are choosing subjects for the following session. We are keen to hear from any business contacts who would be willing to engage with the school either at the Careers Fair or in another way. Please contact Miss Dallas, at the school, if you can help in any way.

We look forward to welcoming seven student teachers to the school, who will be part of our staff team, until December. They are: Alison Duncan, Mark Robertson, Melissa Burke, Claire McAveety, Flora Le Fellic, Frauke Izdebski and Christy Scott. We hope they will enjoy their placements in Kilsyth Academy.

Friday 23rd and Monday 26th September will be holidays and the school will be closed both days.

Kilsyth Academy News – 09/09/16

An S1/2 basketball club is starting on Thursdays at lunch time, in the back gym. This club is open to both boys and girls.  Pupils should bring PE kit and a packed lunch for a prompt start at 12.30.

Pupils have started to audition for a Christmas pantomime, Cinderella.

Our UCAS Information evening takes place on Thursday 15th September, to provide parents of S5/6 pupils with information about the process of applying for university. In the past, parents have found this to be a very informative evening, which will include details about funding, qualifications and the applications process. The evening begins at 7.00 p.m. and we are hoping for a good turnout.

A group of S5/6 pupils visited Whitelee Wind Farm last week, as part of their Environmental Science course. The pupils were first taken into the visitor centre and given the ‘Generation Game’ challenge. The pupils discussed the mechanics and uses of wind turbines, they were then asked to construct a wind turbine using equipment provided in a box. The pupils investigated the effect the length of copper wire in the turbine’s generator had on the power generated. This exercise was followed by a tour of the windfarm and pupils were given the chance to look at how the windfarm effected the biodiversity of the area. They were amazed by the size of the turbines and were very good at communicating their interest to the tour leader. Those who attended found the visit to be very informative and enjoyable.

Congratulations to Rebecca Stevenson, Imogen Fleming and Lauren Miller, who have been selected to participate in the Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award. The girls are currently of their Outward Bound residential experience, at Loch Eil, and thereafter will decide on projects for the year ahead.


Kilsyth Academy News – 02/09/16

Congratulations to Olivia McTiernan (S5) who represented Scotland at the British Ten Pin Bowling Championships, in Norwich, last week. She won a silver medal in the mixed pairs and had the highest Scottish under-16 girls’ score, finishing in the top ten rankings in Britain.

Holly McArthur is currently representing Scotland at the 2016 UK Schools Games, in Loughborough. On the first day of competition, she won gold in the 300m hurdles, the first Scottish gold of the games. Holly has had a fantastic season and is currently ranked No 1 in the UK, in the under-17 age group for Heptathlon, having set a new Scottish record in Aberdeen, in July. Congratulations on these superb achievements.

Last week, the PE department organised a Staff v Pupils Charity Basketball game, during lunchtime. Everyone greatly enjoyed the event, either as participants or spectators, and the staff won 12 – 6. Well done!



We were delighted to welcome representatives of the Royal Navy, to work with young people on physical fitness, team building and an awareness of post-school opportunities within their service. The pupils who participated had a great morning and are already looking forward to a possible return visit.



A group of S3 Biology pupils attended an interactive/outdoor lesson at Edinburgh Zoo. The pupils were escorted to various enclosures, by the zookeepers, to look at the adaptations these animals had and how these adaptations would help them in the wild. Pupils were very keen to participate in providing ideas of how these adaptations helped the animal. The pupils were taken around penguins, sun bears, gibbons and rhinos for this part of the lesson. The second half of the lesson was based in the zoo’s classroom, looking at adaptations of different animals and how this adaptation gives them an advantage over others. Pupils took part fully and came up with some really good answers. Finally the lesson was rounded off with looking at adaptations of a corn snake and the pupils were even allowed to handle one, with some pupils more eager than others to take part in this activity!

We are delighted that two senior pupils have been selected, once again, to participate in the Lessons from Auschwitz. This year Iona Brownlie and Karis Abercrombie will be our participants. The girls will take part in a series of workshops with the Holocaust Education Trust and will have the opportunity to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau for a day.

Our UCAS Information evening takes place on Thursday 15th September, to provide parents of S5/6 pupils with information about the process of applying for university. In the past, parents have found this to be a very informative evening, which will include details about funding, qualifications and the applications process. The evening begins at 7.00 p.m. and we are hoping for a good turnout.

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