Kilsyth Academy – News 29/04/16

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The Captaincy Team organised a further two presentations to the pupils’ chosen charities last week. £750 was presented to SAMH, their national charity, and a further £750 to Mary’s Meals, their international charity. The team has made a tremendous effort, throughout the session, to raise money for a range of charitable causes.


Leavers 2016

The Leavers’ Ceremony took place last week, for all pupils leaving from S4, S5 and S6. All the pupils received Leaving Certificates and were wished every success by School Captain Erin Main and by Mrs Caldwell. The Ceremony was followed by tea and coffee with the staff.

Thursday 5th May will be a staff in-service day, due to the Scottish Parliament elections. The school will therefore be closed to pupils, with the exception of those sitting SQA examinations. Members of the public should access the polling station at the back of the school, using the entrance off Balmalloch Road.

Our own Mock Election took place last week, with candidates from seven parties – Conservative, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat, SNP, SSP and UKIP. Following a hustings debate to representative audience, all pupils had an opportunity to vote, using the double ballot paper system. Following the count, Amy Smith (SNP) was declared to be elected as our constituency MSP. The results of the additional member ballot were SNP 40%, Greens 20%, UKIP 15%, Labour 7%, LibDem 6%, Conservative 6% and SSP 6%. Well done to all the candidates, from S1 to S6, for participating in such a professional campaign.

The school hosted an Inter-Primary Athletics championships, open to all our associated primary schools and, for once, the weather was favourable. Pupils competed in a variety of Track and Field events and some very impressive individual performances were recorded. Individual champions in each event were:

Boys 600 metres                     Cameron McCaffer

Girls 600 metres                     Hayley Conroy

Boys 200 metres                    Callum McGoldrick

Girls 200 metres                    Robyn Stark

Boys 80   metres                    Lewis Moody

Girls 80   metres                    Erin Brady

Boys Shot Putt                        Callum Mewes

Girls Shot Putt                       Niamh McCann

Boys Cricket Throw                Logan Scott

Girls Cricket Throw               Katie Walker.

At the start of the final events the 4 x 50 metres Relays, only five points separated the two leading teams, Lennoxtown and Balmalloch. After two close final races, Balmalloch won both Relays to take double points and surge ahead to retain the overall trophy with 89 points. Lennoxtown were a close second with 77 points and Chapelgreen in 3rd place with 50 points. The event was organised and run by Kilsyth Academy Sports Leaders as part of their course. Their willingness to work as a team and take on their various responsibilities made the event a very enjoyable experience for all athletes who participated.

The Senior Inter-House Quiz took place with each House represented by three pupils – from S4, S5 and S6. Antonine House took an early lead and managed to hold on to that throughout, taking 1st place. Colzium were 2nd, with Balmalloch in 3rd place and Dumbreck 4th. Well done to all participants.

Kilsyth Academy News – 22/04/16


The first of our three charity presentations took place this week. A cheque for £750 was presented to the pupils’ chosen local charity, Strathcarron Hospice. We were delighted to welcome Jim Brown from Strathcarron, to receive the cheque and Jim also shared a video of the hospice’s work, with pupils in S3 and S4.

The campaign for the Kilsyth Academy Mock Election is now well underway and we look forward to hearing the outcome of the voting, early next week.

There was a good turnout of pupils at the various Easter School tutorials, held between 4th and 7th April. We hope that this will have helped pupils with their preparation for the forthcoming examinations.

Letters and personal timetables have been issued to pupils who will be sitting SQA examinations, during May and June. Study Leave, for S4, S5 and S6 pupils sitting SQA examinations, will be from 3rd May until 3rd June (both dates inclusive). Pupils who have no examinations will not have Study Leave and will be expected to attend school, during this time.

The Parent Council will meet on Thursday 28th April, at 7.00 p.m., in the school. Congratulations to Matt Bendoris, the new Chair of our Parent Council. New members are always welcome.

Kilsyth Academy News – 01/04/16

Well done to Erin Main and Kirstin MacLaren, for their organisation of the recent race night for Comfort Rwanda and Congo. The girls raised a staggering £1383, which will go to support the work carried out by the charity. Thanks too to everyone who supported the event, in any way.

Preparations are now underway for the Kilsyth Academy mock election, to be held in the run-up to the Scottish Parliament elections. Hustings will take place on Thursday 21st April and voting will take place the following week over Tuesday and Wednesday 26th-27th April. The following pupils have volunteered to represent a party in the mock election: Amy Smith (S4), Amy Jarvie (S5), Connagh Connelly (S1), Iona Brownlie (S4), Blair Anderson (S6), Morgan Waite (S1) and Courtney Forsyth (S6). We wish them all a successful campaign!

The annual Primary K’Nex Challenge took place last week, with each of our associated primary school entering teams of two P6 pupils. The model required was very challenging – a vehicle that included a steering mechanism – but all the children worked really hard and completed the project enthusiastically. The Winners were Balmalloch Primary and the runners-up were Chapelgreen Primary – congratulations to both teams. Many thanks to Mr Turnbull for organising the event.

Congratulations to our musicians and singers who performed in the North Lanarkshire Music Groups Spring Concert, held at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. This is the culmination of many months of rehearsals, held after school. Well done to Archie Grant, Erin Main, Kirstin MacLaren, Ben McDowall, Fiona Armstrong, Luke Shearer, Kieran McCann and Rebekah Machray.

The school will re-open, after the spring break, on Monday 18th April.

Study Leave, for S4, S5 and S6 pupils sitting SQA examinations, will be from 3rd May until 3rd June (both dates inclusive).

Pupils who have no examinations will not have Study Leave and will be expected to attend school, during this time.

Kilsyth Academy News – 24/03/16

Congratulations to Rachel Griffin who, following interviews held in the school, has been selected to be the Kilsyth Civic Queen, for 2016. Also successful at interview were her Ladies-in-Waiting, Aimee Paterson and Katie McDowall. We wish the three girls every success in these important and exciting roles.

A staff-pupil Volleyball match took place at the end of last week and the proceeds, nearly £50, will be added to pupil charities. The staff won by 26-22.

Pupils in S4, S5 and S6 have been given opportunities to register to vote, over the past couple of weeks. The final opportunity, mainly for S4, will be on Thursday 31st March, during Tutor Time.

Many SQA practical examinations are already underway. These are marked by a mixture of school staff and SQA examiners and contribute to final course awards. We wish the pupils every success – most have worked very hard for these final assessments.

Pupils who have applied to attend Easter School should have received their joining instructions for the four days. Only those who have actually applied for Easter School can attend the tutorials, or use the transport provided. Any other pupils who wish to attend can take part in the supervised study facility.

Immediately after the holiday, from Monday 18th until Friday 29th April, S3 pupils will be undertaking extended assessments in all their subjects, during class time. The style of assessment will vary from subject to subject and pupils will have no more than two assessments/day.

Friday 1st April will be a non-uniform day, with the proceeds going to pupil charities and pupil activities. It costs £1.00 to participate. The school will close on Friday 1st April, at 2.30 p.m. for the two-week holiday, re-opening on Monday 18th April.

Study Leave, for S4, S5 and S6 pupils sitting SQA examinations, will be from 3rd May until 3rd June (both dates inclusive). Pupils who have no examinations will not have Study Leave and will be expected to attend school, during this time.

Kilsyth Academy News – 18/03/16

A group of senior pupils is running a fundraising Race Night, in aid of Comfort Rwanda and Congo, on Thursday 24th March, at 7.00 p.m., in the school. Tickets are now on sale, priced £5.00, and can be obtained from Reception. We would also be very grateful to receive raffle prizes.

Information has been issued to pupils in S4, S5 and S6, regarding our Easter School, which will run from Monday 4th April until Thursday 7th April. We would encourage all those who will be sitting SQA exams to take advantage of this opportunity to attend subject tutorials and to study in a quiet environment. All returns must be made by Tuesday 22nd March, so final arrangements, including transport, can be put in place.


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Last week was S2 Numeracy Week, which got underway with the Maths department celebrating Pi Day on Monday 14th March (3.14). During the week, the pupils have participated in a treasure hunt, solving subject related numeracy problems, around the entire school. S2 have also kept diaries of all the numeracy they have encountered in their various subjects.


speak up (2)

Congratulations to Ben McDowall, Kirsty Imrie and Megan Shaw (all S3), who have qualified for the North Lanarkshire finals of the ‘Speak Up’ public speaking competition. The final will take place on 1st April and we wish the team every success.

Sixteen pupils ranging from S2-S6 took part in a very enjoyable workshop delivered by three professional dancers from the Y-Dance company. They spent five hours learning hip-hop and contemporary routines and were also given the opportunity to be filmed for a promotional video for the company. The feedback from the dance tutors was very complimentary, praising the hard work and ability of the dancers involved.

In December, Holly McArthur represented Scottish schools at the international pentathlon and came 4th, her first major competition since returning from an 8-month injury. During the indoor season, Holly also won Scottish under-17 titles for the 300m and pentathlon. Last weekend, Holly competed at UK level, in Sheffield, where she won a silver medal, in a very competitive field. Well done on this excellent performance.

The school will be closed on Friday 25th and Monday 28th March, which is Easter weekend. We return for four days and will then close on Friday 1st April, at 2.30 p.m., for the two-week holiday, re-opening on Monday 18th April.

Kilsyth Academy News – 11/03/16

A group of senior pupils is running a fundraising Race Night, in aid of Comfort Rwanda and Congo, on Thursday 24th March, at 7.00 p.m., in the school. Tickets are now on sale, priced £5.00, and can be obtained from Reception. We would also be very grateful to receive raffle prizes.



We were, once again, delighted to host the annual Rotary Club Young Technologist competition. There was a great turnout of teams from all over Lanarkshire and each one had to work on a bridge design. The winners of the junior competition were from St Maurice’s High School, the team from Cumbernauld Academy won the intermediate category and Kilsyth Academy, represented by Angus Buck, Calum Baird, Josh Wood and Dara Brown, were the winners in the senior event. Well done!

All pupils have been issued with a copy of the Head Teacher’s Newsletter, which contains information about a number of school events and about the forthcoming SQA examinations.


Antonine Football

The inter-House football tournament, for S1/2, took place last week. The teams all played very well but the tournament was won convincingly by Antonine House, with Colzium in second place, Balmalloch third and Dumbreck fourth. Well done to everyone who participated.

The North Lanarkshire Cross Country championships were held last week, at Airdrie Sports Centre. All the runners performed well and the S1 boys’ team finished in third place. Congratulations on winning bronze medals!

Pupils studying Higher Geography took part in a field trip last week, as part of their SQA assignment. The group looked at urban land use is and around the city of Glasgow and this will now form the basis of their write-ups back in class.

The school will be closed on Friday 25th and Monday 28th March, which is Easter weekend. We will then close on Friday 1st April, for the two-week holiday, and re-open on Monday 18th April.


Kilsyth Academy News – 04/03/16

On Wednesday 9th March, there will be an Options Information Evening for parents of pupils who will be entering next year’s S5 and S6. This will also incorporate advice about Higher Education and considerations that have to be borne in mind, when choosing subjects. The evening will begin at 7.00 p.m.

S2 Tracking Reports will be issued on Tuesday 8th March and this will be followed by a Parents’ Meeting on Tuesday 15th March, from 4.15 – 6.45 p.m. Thereafter, S2 option sheets should be returned by Friday 18th March.


Chris’s House

All S4 pupils have been participating in the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, over the last few months. This has focused on social enterprise projects, engaging with local charities and preparing a pitch to win their charity £3000. Each class held heats and the charities in the final were CACE, Merklands School, Broadwood Amateur Boxing Club, Chris’s House and Hope for Autism. The presentations were excellent and the winners were Chris’s House, which is based in Airdrie and provides 24 hour support and counselling for potential suicide victims. The pupils in the winning team were Lucy Laggan, Katie McDowall, Aimee Paterson and Robyn Shaw. The girls gave an outstanding and creative presentation and showed real passion for their chosen charity. Well done to everyone who took part – the standard was extremely high – and a special congratulations to the winners.

Kilsyth Academy News – 19/02/16

Question TimeS5 and S6 pupils participated in an excellent Question Time event last week, featuring politicians from all the main political parties – Jamie Greene (Scottish Conservatives), Ross Greer (Scottish Greens), Mark Griffin MSP (Scottish Labour), Katy Gordon (Scottish Liberal Democrats) and Jamie Hepburn MSP (Scottish National Party). The panel was ably chaired by Mrs Carol McPherson, Education Support Officer at North Lanarkshire Council. Pupils chose a number of topical issues to ask questions about, in advance, and were also happy to pose questions from the audience. Our thanks to everyone who gave of their time to support the event – it is greatly appreciated by the school and the young people achieved greater political understanding from the event. Thanks too to Blair Anderson (S6) and his team, for organising the event, as part of the SQA Leadership Award. Well done!

Our second group of S3 pupils enjoyed a great week of challenge and adventure at the Outward Bound Centre, at Loch Eil. The group participated in a wide variety of activities, alongside pupils from other North Lanarkshire schools. Many thanks to Mr Urquhart for accompanying the group.

On Monday 29th February, there will be an Information Evening for parents of pupils in S2. This will centre on choices of subjects for S3 and implications for National Qualifications in S4. The meeting will be in the school assembly hall, starting at 7.00 p.m.

The Parent Council will meet on Thursday 3rd March, at 7.00 p.m., in the school and new members are most welcome.

Kilsyth Academy News – 12/02/16

Many thanks to the Rotary Club of Kilsyth, for once again giving up their time and expertise to provide our S4 with mock interviews. The interview and feedback contribute to the evidence for pupils’ ‘Self and Work’ unit and provide a valuable opportunity for the young people to demonstrate their employability skills.

Archie Grant and Ross Quinn have made presentations to both the Pupil Council and Parent Council, outlining their recent experiences with the Holocaust Educational Trust. These included a day-trip to Poland, to visit the former concentration camps at Auschwitz and Birkenau, and the school is looking forward to welcoming two Holocaust survivors to share their experiences with S4 pupils, later this month.

On Monday 29th February, there will be an Information Evening for parents of pupils in S2. This will centre on choices of subjects for S3 and implications for National Qualifications in S4. The meeting will be in the school assembly hall, starting at 7.00 p.m.

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