Kilsyth Academy News – 11/05/2018

Cool Creatures

Recently, all our S2 pupils took part in the ‘Cool Creatures’ event within the school. In this workshop, designed to enrich pupils understanding of habitats within Geography, pupils learned about animals from extreme environments such as the rainforest, hot desert and the tundra and were able to experience holding animals such as a Giant Boa Constrictor, an Armadillo, a Meerkat and a Tarantula. This was really well received by pupils who put aside any fears to take part and helped develop their deeper understanding of the topics they are studying.

BAM Ritchie Partnership
We were delighted to welcome Nick McCormick, Business Development Director of BAM Nuttall, to Kilsyth Academy last week to work with a group of our third year pupils.
Nick provided the pupils with an overview of the very wide ranging career opportunities open to them through pursuing a career in construction and civil engineering. He shared with them some of the exciting projects BAM had been involved in both here and around the world, from the ‘squinty’ bridge in Glasgow to projects in Antartica. The pupils came in with some ideas of what they thought life in the construction trade was and left with a whole new perspective on it.
The pupils also took part in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) activity to design and build a structure that would support a mobile phone. Not as easy as it sounds considering their building materials consisted of spaghetti and marshmallows! Their success hinged upon their ability to plan, communicate, problem solve and work effectively as part of a team.
The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their experience, gaining valuable insight into to the fast-paced and ever advancing world of construction and technology.

We are looking for your support to help us collect donations of childrens’ clothes, shoes, school equipment i.e. pens, pencils, bags that we can take to Rwanda and give to the young people and families we will work with when there. Any donations should be handed into the school by Friday 8th June.  We very much appreciate the generosity of our school community in helping us raise funds for Rwanda and will be very grateful for any further donations you can give.

School Office
Following four months of renovation work our newly refurbished school office is now open and our staff are pleased to have moved in. The new office is located directly behind our main reception area and visitors to the school should report back to our main reception desk.  Our thanks go to everyone for their patience and understanding during the last few months of building work.

Litter Pick
The school would like to invite all pupils and their families to participate in a community litter pick up around the Academy on Sunday 20 May from 1.00 to 3.00pm. This event is being organised by Cllr Mark Kerr and we would very much appreciate any help and support you can give.  If you can help on Sunday please meet at the foot of the main school drive before 1.00pm.

Football success
We are delighted to announce that Aimee Gibb (S2) has recently signed for Glasgow Celtic FC Women’s U15 academy. Our congratulations go to Aimee for this great achievement and we wish her every success as she steps up a level in her football career.

We are pleased to launch our latest Twitter account @KA_English_Dept were you will get news and information about English and literacy. Our thanks to everyone who follows us, just a few more and we will reach 1000 followers so if you haven’t already, please follow @KilsythAcademy .

Dates for you diary
The school will be closed to all pupils for the summer half-term holiday on Friday 25th and Monday 28th May.  SQA exams in RMPS and Woodwork will take place on Monday 28th as scheduled and transport information has been provided to pupils.
School uniform sales will take place in the school café on Wednesday 30th May from 5.00 to 8.00pm.


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