As this was a short week back we don’t have much news, but the talk of the upper school is our upcoming show ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Auditions have taken place and all of our P6 and P7 pupils (that want to) have a part to play. Our P5 pupils will assist with the music in the show. We intend having a school show every second year from now onwards, so our P4s and P5s will be our next ‘stars’.
We have welcomed Mr Chris Maxwell to our team this week – he is now a permanent member of our team and we are delighted to have him.
Our First Friday Mass and coffee morning were both postponed to next month as Father McGachey is on holiday.
Infant registration is taking place next week every afternoon between 1.30pm and 3pm. If your child reaches the age of 5 between 1st March 2016 and the 28th February 2017 then they should be registered next week. Please spread the word – if you know anyone who has a child of school age, please let them know that they should register next week at their local catchment school.
On Tuesday evening we will be having an information evening for parents of Primary 3 children who will be making the Sacrament of Reconciliation in March. This will take place at 7pm in St. Francis Xavier Hall. You will get the opportunity to see the workbook that the children will work with and be able to ask any questions that you may have.
Our final total for our backpack appeal was 107! These are being collected next week and will be put to good use for children who need them. A massive thank you to everyone involved for their generosity!
As I’m writing this, the ground is still very white….. if we still have snow next week we will take this as a golden learning opportunity and have the children outdoors for some outdoor learning; please ensure your child is wearing appropriate outdoor shoes/boots and jackets so that they can participate.